(30) Camden James

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It was Christmas Eve Ellie was feeling uncomfortable as they ate dinner. She couldnt sit still. Winnie timed each time she acted like she was in pain.

She pulled Bucky aside "James honey you need to take her to the hospital."

He said "okay."

They left to go to the hospital. They got her up to labor and delivery. Her doctor was on call. He checked her cervix "Oh yeah mama we are having a Christmas baby. You are at a 5 cm dilation. And one little prick water has been broken." He said as she felt the gush.

Bucky made the phone calls to let everyone know that she was in fact in labor.

Five hours later...

"Ahhhhh!!"" Ellie screamed as she was pushing out their son.

At 1:05AM Ellie gave birth to their son "Camden James Barnes." They placed him in her arms. Winnie showed her how to get him to latch.

"Baby breathe.." Bucky whispered.

She smiled then looked at him. "He looks like you." She whispered.

He smiled at her "Good he will be tough like me too." He said as he kissed her.

"You were amazing my girl. I just fell in love with you all over again." He whispered.

She smiled at him. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you gorgeous.' He whispered.

An hour later they were wheeled to their maternity room. Their families came in to see the new bundle of joy the next morning.

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