(9) Leaving Georgia

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Ellie was asleep with her head down on the bar top. Bucky came in half asleep it was 3 in the morning. "James and I are going to get breakfast." Ryan said as they left.

Bucky pulled Ellie up and lead her to the couch. They laid down on the couch he wrapped himself around her.

Thirty minutes later James and Ryan came back. Winnie came in "where is the kids?" She said

"Try the couch." James said

She went over to the couch gently shook them awake. "You two wasn't suppose to go to sleep. Go get a biscuit and orange juice." Winnie said

"Mmm mom shh.." Bucky whispered

"Buchanan." James said

He groaned.

They both got up Ryan handed Ellie her biscuit and juice. "Where is Taylor?" Winnie said

"She had a headache last night so she took a some medicine that made her sleep." He said as he went to get her up.

Taylor came down after Ryan got her up. She wasn't thrilled about the trip. Ryan and James loaded up their cars.

They all loaded up into their cars. Once they got to the airport they met up with the others. Winnie started to pass out tickets.

They all their luggaged checked and tagged then headed to the gate. They all waited for their flight to be called for two hours.

Their flight was finally called. They dragged 8 half asleep teenagers on to the plane. Bucky and Ellie were side by side on the plane.

She started to freak out a little as they took off. Bucky made sure none of his friends were looking.

"Hey its okay..you are fine." He whispered as he squeezed her hand.

She swallowed hard and looked down.

They all went back to sleep since it was going to be a long flight. Bucky and Ellie had their pinkies linked together.

After their long flight they finally landed in Lake Tahoe. They got their luggage at baggage claim. Bucky made sure his guitar wasn't broken as their parents got rental cars.

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