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(Black text is the important part so if you don't wanna read this just scroll down to that part!)

Heeey my favorite peopleeee,,
Hows everyone doing??

As I mentioned on my message board, I had to go to the hospital on Sunday cause things weren't going well with me. I was hella messed up and at like 2 AM it all went even worse, so my brother called an ambulance and we rushed to the hospital.

Luckily I was released on Tuesday, they told me that I hadn't been taking good care of myself. My body was exhausted and malnourished.

I think that this happened because Im a fucking fool lmao.

I had accidentally starved myself for a couple of days because I was super busy and probably also because Im kind of in a bad mood lately (as most of you also know.)

With that, and my lovely insomnia, my body couldn't take it anymore and gave out. (Im sorry body, my bad.)

Im gonna be stuck at home for the couple next days, which is fine with me cause I could really use it.

I really really hope none of you guys are as stupid as I am. Please eat, drink and sleep well! Take care of your body and don't do anything reckless! I love you all!

Besides this, I also would appreciate it if everyone who has a request for this book would ask it over here. Its kind of difficult to sort out and having to scroll through all 84 (?) chapters so I can find y'all's requests. So please put that here! Thank you my loves!

Have a great day, or sleep well! Please remember to take good care of yourselves. My PM is always open to literally anyone. If you need to talk about something, please do message me. Im here for each and everyone of you!

Oh but Im also a 15 year old disaster of a human being, so don't expect too much okay? lmaooo. Just know that Im willing to listen, and give shitty advice!

Cheesus bless you all lolll, byeee! See you next update! Or in my PM's of courseeee

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