Fourteen| Cheap Shot

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The loud pop brought me back to reality as her hazel eyes stared deep into mine. My dick was limp as she held it in her hands, staring at me in confusion. "I guess you're not as happy to see me." Kima replied. The look of hurt disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. The emotion was gone so fast, I thought I had imagined it.

"Nah, just gimme a minute."

"We've been doin' this for ten and my jaws hurt." She slowly rose from her knees, leaving my soft member against my thigh.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out because I didn't know what to say. It had been a long time since I couldn't get my dick hard. But I just wasn't feeling it.

"And here I thought since I haven't seen you in months, we could go a few rounds. I guess your new girl is handling everything, huh?"

The right side of my mouth turned up at the bitterness in her tone. Besides Zoe, Kima was the most level headed. She made sure to keep her emotions checked at all times but I guess her composure and the front was finally ending and part of me couldn't lie and say I didn't like it because I did.

"Jealous?" I quipped, pulling my boxers and sweats up my thighs as she gracefully moved around her loft. Her back was to me but I could only imagine the face she made at my question.

"You wish." She retorted, turning to look at me. "I don't get jealous. I know what we have. I know you're not a saint." Her eyes left mine as she played with the hem of her shirt. "I only see you when you're in town. So obviously I know someone else is fucking you." That last statement seemed to change her entire mood as she tilted her head to the side. "I just don't think I can pretend anymore."

"Pretend about what?" I asked, lowly, watching her eyes finally flick over to me as she took her time taking in my frame.

"That I don't want something real and no," she shook her head before letting out a loud laugh. "I don't want that with you. So don't think that's what this is because it's not."

A loud scoff left my lips. "You're being petty. No need for that." I walked up to her and reached across her body for the bottle of Henny that was there. The small breathes of air coming from her lips bounced against my neck. I looked down at her and smiled. "I want you to be happy."

Kima nodded before stepping away from me to grab glasses. My eyes landed on my favorite feature of hers, her ass. She snatched the objects down and placed them on the counter in front of me.

"What if I don't know how to be happy?" Her words were damn near a whisper. If I wasn't paying close attention, I would have missed them. "I think you make me happy." She admitted. "But is it really genuine if you're just doing it because we signed a piece of paper."

I poured the alcohol, damn near pouring it to the top because it was clear we were gonna need it for this discussion. She reached for the glass took a big sip and made her way to the fridge, grabbing the cola.

Her ass swallowed the pair of underwear that barely covered her bottom as she made her way through the room finally sitting at the table. Her eyes landed on me as she signaled for me to join her. I obliged by grabbing my glass and the bottle.

"Are you gonna tell me why you feel like that or are you gonna make me pry it out of you?" I asked, finally taking a big gulp, allowing the brown liquor to course through me.

Kima shrugged as she took another sip, chasing it with the soda as she let out a loud sigh. She stared down at the liquid, not attempting to look up at me but I wasn't going to pressure her into sharing with me. When she felt like she wanted to let me in, I was here.

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