Chapter One

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I am the only person left in this section of lockers. The late bell is bound to ring at any minute now, but I struggle to pick up my books and close my locker before pacing my way to my next class, which unfortunately is at the other end of the school building.

I walk down the dim hallway decorated with student work, and quicken my pace once I notice that no teachers are gaurding their door like usual. I can feel my loose pencil slipping from my grasp once I turn the corner. No, please don't fall, I mentally beg.

My pencil fell to the floor with a ping. Screw it, I'm late. I leave it and continue walking. I bite the inside of my mouth raw, an old habbit, hard to break.

"Um, here," someone says from behind me. I turn around briefly and see Jack Johnson in all black, handing me my pencil. It's a little unnerving to hear him speak; I've only heard him twice this year. Many disturbing rumors have been spread about him, like he smokes weed everyday and steals from small stores. He's normally seen with his posse that act like they own the dang school with their gangster attitude.

I take the pencil and give a small "Thanks." The bell rings and the walls around me woosh past as my feet quicken the pace. If I'm late one more time, it's a detention, and I can't have one of those. I can't.

"So what's the rush?" I hear his voice again.

"I'm late," I deadpan.


"So I don't want a detention." I turn the corner and my next class is just two classes down.

"Detention's not all that bad once you're used to it."

I sigh. For a person who doesn't talk much, he is being very verbose. "Well you might be used to it, but I can't have one." I am a few steps from my class and I sigh a breath of relief. "I have to go, bye."


That fricken excuse of a teacher gave me a stupid detention for "one too many lates." Yeah, well when your locker refuses to shut and swallows your books, it'd be a miricle if I were ever early to a class, and now I'm late to see my grandmother. She has stage three breast cancer, and I made a promise that I'd visit her every day. My parents don't know, they think school gets out at three, when it's out by two.

I drive to the hospital and park my car by the enterance. I walk in and up to my grandma's room, the front desk not caring because I'm such a casualty here.

I open her door and her pale, wrinkly face cracks into a smile.

"Hi Gram."

More jack j to come, but how do you like it so far? I want ur opinions idc If you don't like it.

<○→3 (< that's supppsed to say vote but I failed so ya)

ur dork♡

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