Chapter Twenty Three

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Riley's POV

I walk with Jack after school to my car, hand in hand, ready to meet my grandmother. I already told her he was coming and the doctors were fine with it ad long as he sticks with me. I can tell Jack's nervous by the way he squeezes my hand every now and then, even though I reassured him a million times that he has nothing to worry about.

After I told Jack about my where abouts after school, I told him about my grandmother; how kind she is, how crazy she is, and overall how much of an awesome person she is. I told him about how when I was little, I would make her dress up and we would have tea parties with my stuffed animals. It was difficult to tell him these things, but I did.

We get into my car, I in the driver's seat of course, and Jack already popping in a Crown the Empire album. I drive out of the school property, jamming to the song Bloodline.

We enter the hospital's parking lot, Jack squeezing my hand but releases it when we get out of the car. I look over at him, and his precious face just screams nervous. He can't focus on one thing, his eyes darting in every direction, and I can see his chest rapidly moving up and down. I know what this is. Anxiety.

He's told me what to do if I ever see him like this; he said to just be there. Don't touch him. Don't talk. Just be with him. So I walk over to him and stand next to him. I can tell he's doing his breathing excersises, breathing in for four seconds, holding for seven, exhale for eight. He does this multiple times before he grabs my hand and starts to walk towards the hospital entrance.

We get inside the building, a blast of warm air hitting us as we walk in. "Sorry," Jack says.

I knit my eyebrows together as a nurse let's us through the first set of doors.

"For what?" I ask.

"For like, just. . .I'm sorry for freaking out out there," he says in disappointment.

I squeeze his hand and the stench of hospital wavers over us. "It's okay, Jack. It doesn't bother me." I kiss his cheek and he lightens up a bit, which is good because we're standing outside of my grandmother's room.

"You ready?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath and nods. "Yeah. I'm ready."

I twist the doorknob and the white door creeks open. "Hey, grandma," I cheerily say and her head turns to look at us. A big grin appears on her face when she sees Jack.

"Is this the Jack!?" She exclaims.

I shake my head in embarrassment. "Oh my god, grandma," I mumble. Jack chuckles and I can tell my grandma is quite proud of herself.

"Yes, I am the Jack, I guess," Jack says. I don't think he's nervous anymore, which is good.

"Well, c'mon, don't just stand there," my grandma says. "Come on. Take a seat right by grandma."

I breathe out a laugh and shake my head as I make my way to the chair next to my grandmas bed. Jack drags a chair next to mine and sits down before grabbing my hand.

My grandma looks back and forth between us, like she's examining us.

"What," I chuckle.

She looks at me and smiles. "You two are cute."

I shake my head and Jack chuckles. "Well thanks, grandma," I say.

"Anytime, sugar," she says and turns to Jack. "So Jack, what do you like to do?"

He looks at me and I raise an eyebrow, amused to hear his answer. He clears his throat before speaking. "Well, um, I like to listen to music? I don't do much, really."

"Oh well that's okay," she says. "As long as you keep your hands off of my little girl, I won't have to send someone to hurt 'cha."

"Uh-um," Jack stutters and I suppress a laugh.

"I'm just joking with ya," my grandma laughs. Jack nervously laughs along, his cheeks a light shade of pink.


We spend a good hour with my grandma, but before we leave my grandma says she approves of Jack, and I kiss her forehead goodbye. Me and Jack leave the hospital, this time listening to Issues.

"So how'd you think of my grandma?" I ask Jack.

"She's probably one of the coolest grandma's I've ever met," he says.

I smile. "Yeah, she thinks your pretty cool, too."





ya sorry bout that .-. I just lose interest sometimes. Oh whale.

But yaaaaaaa I hope every one has a beautiful af day even though its almost midnight where I am xD

Oh and does anybody actually listen to the bands I mention? Like I doubt many people do but ya :/

soo yeeeaaaahhhh c: see y'all next time

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