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10 years ago

He forces himself to keep the steed going fast enough to out pace the dark magic. He draws his blade; then slices at the dark magic splitting it in four. He speeds back up. The shards start to gain again.
"L—l—look out!" I cry before burying my head in his chest. Swish! I look. It didn't hit... I ask, "how long are you going to do this for?"
"As long as I need to, Princess."
"Okay," I say quietly and fearfully. We've been going for about a week now... I yawn.
"You may rest now, Princess."
"I'm fine."
"Exhaustion must be setting in."
"N—no!" I mumble. Truth is, I'm exhausted.
"It's okay."
He chuckles. He grabs his staff; then uses his elven magic to blast the shards of dark magic into oblivion. He gets off the horse; then helps me off.
"Where are we?"
"Somewhere Safe."
He chuckles; then his eyes go wide before he shoves me out of the way of another spell. It hits him. I whimper softly and fearfully. He goes to comfort me but no words leave his lips. He just mouths. His eyes turn to confusion.
"Wh—what happened?" I ask. He tries to answer but once again no words are heard. I start crying. He hugs me and rubs my back. He lets go.
"It will be okay," he signs, "your sister will return and save us all."
"I hope so."
Sister... wherever you are... I hope you're safe.

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