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"jungkook. i just did something."

jungkook sighed and facepalmed as he put his phone on speaker so that he didn't have to hold his phone while talking to his boyfriend.

"what did you do tae?" jungkook asked and heard taehyung sigh. "well. i was walking to my car from my class and i walked passed some people with a box of puppies and there was only two left and someone was buying one and— okay i bought a puppy." taehyung said and jungkook's eyes widened.

"what!? omg facetime me so i can see it!" jungkook picked up his phone and clicked the green button on the screen to answer the facetime call.

when it connected, a fluffy black and brown puppy popped up on the screen and jungkook cooed at how cute it was.

"oh tae that is the cutest puppy i've ever seen! how long until you get here?" jungkook asked and taehyung shrugged, the puppy bouncing on his lap. "like ten minutes maybe. i'm relieved that you like him. i was worried that you'd be mad at me." taehyung chuckled and jungkook shook his head, already falling in love with the puppy over the phone.

"why would i be mad at you? he's adorable. i love puppies. i'd be mad if you got a cat. those things are pure evil." jungkook joked and taehyung smiled as he tried his best to focus on driving.

"okay baby, i'm gonna hang up because i can't handle your cuteness and the puppies while i'm driving. i love you." taehyung said and jungkook blushed, rolling his eyes playfully. "whatever~ i love you too. see you soon." jungkook waved before hanging up so that his boyfriend could focus on driving.

jungkook shoved his phone in his pocket and stood up, leaving his room and making his way to the living room to wait for taehyung and the puppy.

minutes passed and the door to jungkook's house swung open. taehyung walked in with a bright smile on his face and jungkook quickly got up from the couch, running over to his boyfriend.

"oh, he's even cuter in person!" jungkook squealed and grabbed the puppy from taehyung's arms.

taehyung pouted as he closed the front door. "maybe i should take him back." taehyung said and jungkook giggled, kissing his boyfriends cheek.

"you're cuter in person too. now, what should we name him?" jungkook asked as he plopped down on the couch, petting the puppy and fluffing up his already fluffy fur.

"well," taehyung started as he sat beside his boyfriend. "i was thinking in the car that yeontan would be a good name for him." taehyung said and jungkook looked up at the older, smiling wide and nodding happily.

"it's perfect. we should go shopping and get him a bunch of toys and a bed and food of course. this is so exciting." jungkook hugged yeontan and giggled as the puppy snuggled into his arms.

taehyung smiled at how cute his boyfriend looked all snuggled up with yeontan.

"we can do that together but we'll have to get someone to watch yeontan." taehyung said and jungkook perked up. "jimin will do it. he loves pets." jungkook said and taehyung hummed, cuddling close to his boyfriend and kissing his cheeks.

"later. i just wanna be with you right now." taehyung mumbled and jungkook blushed, nodding and moving as close to his boyfriend as he could with yeontan asleep on his chest.

"how was class?" jungkook asked and taehyung shrugged. "boring but seeing the puppies made me really happy and i was looking forward to seeing you." taehyung said and that made jungkook giggle, leaning in and pecking his boyfriends lips.

"i love you. we should facetime the boys and show them yeontan." jungkook suggested and yeontan perked up when he heard his name which made the couple chuckle. "i love you too. i'll go get your laptop." taehyung kissed his boyfriend before standing up and disappearing down the hall.

jungkook smiled and sat up with yeontan on his lap, picking him up and giving him tons of kisses.

taehyung came back and smiled at how cute his boyfriend looked while playing with yeontan. getting the puppy was definitely a good decision on his part.

he sat down beside his boyfriend and placed the laptop on the coffee table, typing in jungkook's password and calling all his friends on facetime.

jungkook quickly set yeontan down at his feet as everyone started answering one by one.

"hey guys! tae and i have a surprise." jungkook smiled at all of his friends. "ooh! are you guys having a baby!?" jimin asked excitedly and jungkook sighed, face palming and shaking his head.

"how many times do i have to tell you that guys can't get pregnant?" jungkook asked and jimin giggled. "i was just joking kookie. now, what's the surprise?"


"sorry kook but namjoon and i were actually planning on adopting once we graduate from college." jin hyung said and everyone gasped in surprise.

"really!? what gender?" hoseok asked and namjoon smiled. "well i want a girl and seokjin wants a boy so we were thinking both." namjoon said and jungkook squealed like a little girl.

"like twins? omg i love twins! i'm so happy for you guys!" jungkook yelled and his two friends thanked him. "so anyway, what was kook gonna say before?" yoongi asked and everyone brought their attention back to jungkook and taehyung.

"we have a puppy." taehyung smiled and picked up yeontan, showing him off to the boys. "oh that is the cutest puppy in the world! i wanna meet him so bad- can i meet him? what's his name?" jimin asked all at once and jungkook giggled.

"his name is yeontan and, good news for you, we need someone to watch him while we go to the store and buy everything he's gonna need." jungkook said as he pet the puppy's fluffy hair.

"i volunteer as tribute! i'm on my way!" jimin yelled, making all his friends laugh. "thanks jimin." taehyung thanked him and jimin smiled cutely.

"no problem tae. i love pets. i'll see you guys in like ten minutes." jimin said and waved before leaving the facetime call.

"well we'll see you guys later." jungkook said and his four remaining friends waved, saying their goodbyes.

after that, they left the call too and closed the laptop.

"looks like we're going shopping." taehyung smiled, looking over at his boyfriend who smiled and pecked his lips. "yup, i'm so excited." jungkook giggled and taehyung looked at him in total adoration.

"gosh, i love you so much."

ᴛᴀᴇsᴛᴀɴguys i'm sorry lmaoi'm trying to update but i keep getting stuck on this book and i don't have any chapters pre-written that i can just publish for youi hope you're still enjoying this bookPLEASE COMMENT BECAUSE I LOVE READING THEM💜

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guys i'm sorry lmao
i'm trying to update but i keep getting stuck on this book and i don't have any chapters pre-written that i can just publish for you
i hope you're still enjoying this book

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