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"i'm here baby." taehyung pulled jungkook to his chest, running his hands along jungkook's sides which made the smaller boy giggle lightly.

"that tickles." jungkook smiled and taehyung smiled softly, opening his eyes to see jungkook's bunny smile and his crescent shaped eyes staring back at him. "good morning." taehyung said and jungkook hummed, brushing their noses together.

"always a good morning when we wake up like this." jungkook said and taehyung agreed with a nod of his head. "so it's always a good morning?" taehyung questioned with a small chuckle as jungkook nodded, pecking his cheek softly.

their little moment was ruined when there were loud knocks on taehyung's front door.

"i'll be right back. might be the mail or something." taehyung said as he quickly threw on some boxers and a pair of sweatpants. "be quick." jungkook said and taehyung nodded, kissing him sweetly before jogging out of his room and downstairs to answer the front door.

the moment taehyung swung open the door, jimin barged into his house and immediately ran upstairs. he made it to taehyung's room before taehyung could stop him and jungkook squealed in surprise when he saw jimin instead of taehyung.

he pulled the duvet further up his chest to feel less exposed in front of his best friend.

"jimin, what are you—"

"yoongi had sex with someone else." jimin said with tears in his eyes and jungkook's eyes widened immediately, patting the bed and motioning for jimin to sit beside him. "was it hoseok?" jungkook asked and jimin shook his head, wiping his eyes as he tried his best not to cry in his best friends arms.

"i wouldn't be upset if it was hobi. it was just some random chick at one of those college parties yoongi likes to go to and i know that he was drunk but it still hurts especially because he tried to hide it from me." jimin said and jungkook rubbed his best friends back as he let him cry into his shoulder. "some chick? i didn't even know yoongi was bisexual." jungkook mumbled and jimin started crying harder, making jungkook feel bad for even saying anything.

jungkook looked up at taehyung who was leaning on the doorway to his room, looking at jimin with sympathy in his eyes.

"i'm sorry chim.. if you want, i could talk to him for you? although i'm sure hoseok has already beat his ass for what he did." jungkook said and jimin sniffled, nodding against jungkook's shoulder.

"he'll listen to you cause he likes you." jimin croaked out, holding back another round of sobs by biting his raw lips. "he's an asshole, okay? you don't need him if he doesn't think you're enough. i know hoseok loves you just as much, maybe even more than yoongi did. luckily, you have options." jungkook tried to tease him, not really good with dealing with his friends when they're upset about something serious.

"i'll stay here with jimin while you talk to yoongi." taehyung suggested and jungkook looked at him once again, nodding his head. "that's a good idea. you okay staying here with tae?" jungkook asked jimin who just nodded and pulled away from his best friend, going over to taehyung and pulling him into a bear hug.

taehyung was taken aback at the sudden force of the hug, even stumbling backward a little. "let's go downstairs and let jungkook wash up." taehyung said and ruffled jimin's hair, treating him like a fragile child.

once they were out of sight, jungkook climbed out of taehyung's bed and went to take a shower. he showered, brushed his teeth, and got dressed in some of taehyung's clothes even though he had his own.

when he was done, he grabbed his phone and put on a pair of shoes before going downstairs to say goodbye to the two other males in the house.

"alright, i'm about to—"

"shh." taehyung shushed jungkook before he woke up jimin who was sleeping soundly on the couch with his head resting in taehyung's lap. "that's adorable. i'll be back soon." jungkook leaned down and pecked taehyung's lips, making taehyung smile wide.

"before you go can you hand me the tv remote?" taehyung pointed to the remote that was on the coffee table. "yup." jungkook mumbled and handed the older the remote before walking towards the front door.

"bye." jungkook waved as he quietly opened and closed the front door.

he sighed as he hopped in his car, driving to yoongi's quickly but dreading getting out of his car once he actually got there.

what was he supposed to say to him?

jungkook sighed again and got out of his car, walking up to yoongi's house and walking in without even knocking. he was too lazy to do all that waiting anyway.

jungkook went straight to yoongi's room, figuring he was also a crying mess and wasn't planning on leaving his room for about a week.

"you're an asshole." jungkook said as he walked into yoongi's room.

yoongi looked up at jungkook from where he was cuddled in his sheets. yoongi's puffy eyes, red cheeks, and runny nose reminded jungkook of how jimin looked after he cried on his shoulder.

"don't you think i know this? i've also been called that like eighty times since i got home this morning." yoongi said and jungkook sighed, feeling only slightly bad for his friend. "why'd you lie to him yoongi? he loves you and you know that he does." jungkook asked, walking over to yoongi's bed and sitting on the edge of it.

"i know he does and i love him too. that's why i lied to him. i didn't want to lose him because of a stupid drunken mistake i made. i didn't go to that party with the intention of sleeping with someone. i went because i was bored and one of my friends in school asked me to come." yoongi sniffed, wiping his eyes and his nose.

"i hate that you're so innocent. why can't you just be an asshole who intended on breaking jimin's heart so that we can all hate you and forget this ever happened?" jungkook asked and yoongi smiled halfheartedly, shaking his head at jungkook.

"i love jimin too much to ever intentionally break his heart."

ᴛᴀᴇsᴛᴀɴpoor yoogles and chiminie 🥺 also i need to add more of hobi in this story

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poor yoogles and chiminie 🥺 also i need to add more of hobi in this story... i'm disappointing myself lmao

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