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"so you guys are finally dating?"

jungkook blushed as he nodded, smiling when taehyung buried his face in his neck and placed a gentle kiss on his nape.

they were currently sitting in jungkook's desk chair, jungkook on taehyung lap of course, as they facetimed their friends.

"now we're all in relationships." hoseok said and everyone clapped for themselves, laughing together. "it's about time." yoongi said and jungkook hummed.

"it really is. but namjoon hyung and jinnie hyung wouldn't be together if it wasn't for us." jungkook pointed out and jimin agreed, smiling wide. "that's right. they were too stubborn to admit that they had feelings for each other in high school." jimin said and the engaged couple rolled their eyes.

"just because we didn't admit to it doesn't mean we didn't act on our feelings back then." namjoon said and jin smiled, kissing his fiancé's cheek. "yeah. namjoon and i started hooking up sophomore year." seokjin said and everyone gasped, even taehyung.

"sophomore year? that means you were only fifteen or sixteen when you lost your virginity." taehyung said, his jaw practically hitting the floor.

"tae, not everyone waits till they're twenty to lose their virginity." jimin said and taehyung's face turned red almost immediately as the other boys gasped again. "you're that hot and you lost your virginity at twenty!?" hoseok asked in surprise, his boyfriends not really appreciating him calling another man hot.

"that's exactly what i said!" jungkook laughed and taehyung pouted, nudging his boyfriend to get his attention.

jungkook turned his head and looked at his boyfriend, smiling and pecking his cutely pouted lips.

"twenty year old virgin or not he's still a natural." jungkook said and winked at taehyung which made the boxy grin that jungkook loved break out on his face. "ew gross stop it." yoongi complained but jungkook rolled his eyes, deciding to mess with his hyung.

he turned around completely on taehyung's lap and connected their lips, taehyung hesitating slightly before kissing back. he didn't feel comfortable making out in front of the rest of the guys but a part of him really didn't care.

taehyung's hands traveled from jungkook's waist further down, cupping his ass in his large hands.

"not this again." jimin whined, stuffing his face into hoseok's sweater so that he didn't have to watch the two make out again.

jungkook hummed against taehyung's lips before pulling away, pecking his lips once more and nuzzling their noses together cutely. taehyung smiled, almost forgetting they were on facetime until jungkook turned back around on his lap.

"oh sorry. was that gross?" jungkook giggled, yoongi rolling his eyes as hoseok told jimin he could look again. "jungkookie is all grown up." jin said and namjoon sighed, smiling softly at his fiancé.

"you say this every time." namjoon said and jin hummed. "yes and i'll keep saying it until we're all old and wrinkly."

jungkook smiled and let himself sink into taehyung's hold, sighing in contentment as his boyfriends arms wrapped around him comfortably.

"who says i'm getting wrinkly?" jimin scoffed and hoseok snorted, rolling his eyes playfully. "ah jiminie, is that a wrinkle right there?" hoseok asked jokingly, pointing at jimin's face as his boyfriend glared at him.

"you're not sleeping in my bed tonight." jimin said and hoseok chuckled, nodding his head. "that's right. we're sleeping in yoongi's bed tonight." hoseok winked, kissing jimin's cheeks even when he tried to move away.

"you're not allowed in yoongi's bed either." jimin pouted and yoongi tsked, shaking his head. "it's my bed and i'm not sleeping without hoseok." yoongi said and hoseok blushed, hiding his face in yoongi's shirt.

jimin huffed in annoyance, turning away from his boyfriends who were all snuggled up with one another.

"then i'm not sleeping with either of you." jimin said and jungkook snorted, knowing his best friend can't sleep alone. seokjin, namjoon, and taehyung all holding back a laugh.

"not even if we..." hoseok whispered the rest in jimin's ear, making the youngers cheeks become a bright pink in the matter of a second.

and then jimin gave in.

"ew gross stop it." jungkook mocked yoongi as jimin cuddled into his boyfriends. "shut up, kook. this is what you get for never sending me your nudes." yoongi joked and jungkook giggled, shaking his head as he felt taehyung snuggle into him even more.

"whatever yoon. i'll make sure to put 'send yoongi my nudes' in my will." jungkook said which made all his friends laugh, taehyung the only one not laughing.

it wasn't cause he was jealous or anything.

it was simply the fact that he was tired and wanted jungkook all to himself at the moment.

as much time as they spend together everyday, taehyung could never get enough of spending every last second with his boyfriend. maybe he was being a little selfish but he didn't care. jungkook was his and he wanted to take advantage of that (in a good way of course).

"taehyung, you okay?" namjoon asked, snapping taehyung out of his trance.

he put on a small smile and nodded before resting his chin back on jungkook's shoulder.

"you sure?" jungkook asked his boyfriend quietly, turning his head to face him directly. "mm, i'm sure. i just want you all to myself." taehyung whispered and jungkook blushed, pecking his boyfriends lips.

"wanna cuddle? we can always talk to them later." jungkook suggested and taehyung hummed, kissing jungkook's cheek lovingly.

jungkook smiled and turned back to face his computer.

"hey guys, we're gonna go because my arm is starting to hurt so i'd like to rest it. we'll talk to you guys later." jungkook said and all the guys nodded, telling jungkook to take it easy while saying goodbye to the youngest couple of the group.

"love you guys too!! bye!" jungkook blew a kiss before ending the call and standing up from taehyung's lap.

taehyung smiled up at his boyfriend and followed him over to his comfy bed. once they laid down and got comfortable, they smiled at each other and shared a few tiny kisses.

"i love you." jungkook whispered and taehyung smiled, brushing jungkook's hair out of his eyes before leaning in and capturing his lips in a gentle kiss.

"i love you more baby."

ᴛᴀᴇsᴛᴀɴi'm sorry i love you guys i'm sorryhappy belated spooky szn and meRRy FREAKING HOLIDAY SZN💜

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i'm sorry i love you guys i'm sorry
happy belated spooky szn and meRRy FREAKING HOLIDAY SZN

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