Chapter One:

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Harry was on his way back to Hogwarts to start another semester, though something felt different but he didn't quite know what.

Harry was on the train with his best friends Ron and Hermione, and his girlfriend Ginny.

Harry's Pov:

Ginny had laid her head on Harry's chest , but he didn't seem to feel any sparks.

Of course she had always been there for him when he needed her, she always cared for him and loved him, she was a perfect girlfriend but lately Harry hasn't felt the same way he once did something changed. That he knew for a fact but what exactly changed he had no idea.

Ginny had looked up at him kissing him, but it had no sparks no passion Harry pulled away leaving a rather confused look on her face , and not just her face also the face's of Ron and Hermione.

For the rest of the ride Harry just stared out the window like he was missing something but what exactly could he be missing he had his best friends and his girlfriend what more could he need.

They had shortly arrived at Hogwarts Harry got off the train not really noticing where he was heading, he was looking down lost in though when he bumped into Draco.

Draco's Pov:

Harry Potter just bumped into him, "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR-" realizing who had bumped into him ".... going". Harry looked up at him "Malfoy." Then it happened his and Harry's hands had touch and it felt like a thousand fireworks had went off. Quickly Draco replied "What are you looking at Potter .", "Nothing I was just heading to my common room now what do you want Malfoy." , He didn't reply he walk off in sort of a rush.

"OH MY GASH YOUR SO STUPID!" he yelled at him self as soon as there was no one near him or any near really at all.

Draco had only had a crush on Harry for years now, but Harry hated him and always had.

Draco simply wanted nothing more but for them to be friends may even more than that but Harry was always with that Weasley girl.

Night had fallen and Draco dicede a good night's rest would clear his mind of everything that had happened in the first few hours he had been back at Hogwarts.

Hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of this story.

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