Chapter Nine:

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Luna's Pov:

Ginny had informed me this morning that, we didn't have to worry about hurting Harry anymore because they had ended things which I'm happy I hated the idea of hurting Harry he was my friend.

I honestly had no clue if Ginny had wanted to go public right now or not seeing how her and Harry had just recently split.

She did seem brighter since this morning and I wonder if it had anything to do with me but I, keep the thought to my self.

Ravenclaw's and Gryffindor's had Defense against the Dark Arts together and I just so happened to have remembered we had a project in the classes and I immediately thought I could asked Ginny to be my partner.

(Really Quick Authors note but sorry if this chapter has been boring so far but I take Luna as a person who usually keeps to her self, which should explain the lack of talking. Anyway On with the story)

Before Defense against the Dark Arts, ny day had been going pretty slow, I still had about a hour to wait till Defense against the Dark Arts, and I had no clue what to do so I went to the Library to read a book about magical creatures, when I ran into Hermione.

"Oh sorry Hermione I didnt mean to run into you."

"Please it's fine, Luna you dont have to apologize for anything, oh and thanks."

"For what?"

"Making Ginny smile agian, yes she told me please dont get mad at her but recently her and Harry hadn't been really clicking and I know he's been off and I'm glad her and Harry ended things it's best for both of them."

"Yea I'm also pretty happy they needed things I hated the idea of hurting Harry as he is one of my good friends."

"Do you know who's been making him smile?"

"I have a guess but I could possibly be wrong."

"Good I'm not the only one with a guess."

We both giggled, I'm glad Ginny had someone like Hermione to talk to.

"So who do u think the mystery person is?" She said breaking the silence.

"Well for one I'm pretty sure they are in Slytherin seeing as he's always looking over there recently."

"Ok so I'm not the only one seeing that good to know."

"Any guess on what gender?"

She replied very calmly "I honestly believe it's a boy."

"Another thing we have in common on this mystery boy."

"So we got Slytherin, and a Boy".

"Do you want to say who u think on three because I will too."





"I think its Draco Malfoy." We both blurted out then laughed.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that."

"I completely agree I didn't want people to think I was just crazy, though I do know there is someone it's the reason Harry also wanted to break up with Ginny, though this morning she didn't tell me who, not that obligated too."

"Yea I knew, they broke up but I didn't know there was another person but it was a guess that there was someone else." She replied.

"Oh, anyway..." I glanced at the clock to see the time, "oh my Merlin we only have five minutes to get to class."

With that we headed out the door we made it right before the bell rang we took our seats I decided to sit right next to Ginny. I asked if she wanted to be partners on the project she agreed, and before we knew it class was over and it was time to leave.
That's it for Chapter Nine, Chapter ten will be coming out on Friday so be looking out for it anyway hope you guys are having a great Day.

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