Chapter Sixteen:

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Pic was found on Pinterest if you are wondering anyway on if the story.

Ginny's Pov: 

Me and Luna have spent so much time together I am so in love with her and I think I'm ready to tell people about us but, I'm not sure how she is going to react I don't know if she want's to tell people maybe I should ask her. I'm just going to go to bed for the night. I laid my head down on the pillow closed my eyes. 

/////////////////The Next Morning//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

I woke up checked the time and saw it was ten in the morning good thing it's the weekend. I threw on my quidditch jersey but my hair up in a ponytail. I walked down to the common room and saw Harry and he looked kinda stressed I would say. I walked over to him Harry. 

"Hey Harry are you alright?"

He looked up at me I could tell he had bags under his eyes. "Oh hey Ginny."

"Harry what's wrong and what do want to talk about it?"

"Actually yea I do want to talk about it." I was honestly surprised to hear that because Harry generally keeps everything to him self.

"Okay then what is it?"

He explained everything that happened with Draco and Pansy. "... And we still haven't found anything that has to do with getting someone out of your head and we were at it looking all night." 

"Maybe I could ask Luna she likes reading and is always at the library so maybe she would know either what books to look in or where to look."

"Thank you so much Ginny."

"Anytime Harry, I mean I know we broke up and everything but you still are like my best friend besides Luna." I smiled at the thought of her. 

"Yea I love how our break up wasn't bad. By the way does Ron or anyone know about you and Luna?"

"Um no your the only one who knows." 

"Actually..." He took a pause. "Draco knows please don't get mad at me for telling him I just have started telling him everything." I had a figure Harry told Draco though I'm happy he did tell me he told Draco.

"Harry it's fine I already had a guess you did also I told Luna about you and Draco hopefully your not mad at me."

"I'm not mad and I guess we are even now."

"Anyway Harry I will definitely ask Luna for you."

He hugged me and not like a I still like you way as in a friend way which is what I think we were always meant to be. 

"Thank you so much Ginny." 

"Anytime Harry what are friends for." 

"Well bye Ginny." He said as he went back to his room while I left the common room and went to the library hoping to find Luna but she wasn't there I then knocked on the Ravenclaw tower door and Cho answered the door. 

"Ginny what are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if Luna was here?"

"Why are you looking for Luna?"

"Cho don't ask questions is she here or not." Maybe I should mention the fact I have a reputation of don't get in my way or I'll hurt you or come after my friends and family and your dead. 

"I'll ask as many questions as I want." This bitch is really getting on my nerves. 

"Cho you may be a two years older than me but I will still beat the fuck out of you." I said in my not the fucking time to mess with me voice. 

"You know I've heard a lot of things about you but, so far I'm not really seeing it I bet all those stories about your are fake, I bet you can't do shit." I am trying my hardest not to hurt her because she's friends with Luna but I swear I only have so much patience. 

"Cho I don't want to fucking fight you because your friends with Luna but I will so just tell me is Luna is here or not." I was so close to snapping but I was really trying my best not to. 

"Please darling you couldn't fight if you wanted to also Luna isn't your's she's mine so stop trying." THE FUCK DID THIS BITCH JUST SAY! I punched her right in the gut then threw her into the wall. 

"I'm going to tell you one time and only one time Luna is MINE. SO STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" I spat kicking her in the stomach then punching her in the face. I turned around I was so fucking pissed at this bitch, but when I turned around I saw Luna. 

"L-L-Luna... I-I-I." I didn't know what to say to her I just hurt her friend though in my opinion it was well deserved but of course I knew Luna probably felt differently about it. She didn't say anything she just walked over to me and looked up at me. I looked down at her really worried she was going to slap me or something or worse break up with me. She...................


I'm so evil I just haven't had a good cliffhanger in a while and thought this chapter could use one.  Anyway new chapter come's out hopefully Friday or sooner. Also I'm sorry to all the Cho fans out there I just couldn't think of any other Ravenclaw's .-. 

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