Chapter Eighteen:

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Draco's Pov: 

It had been a few weeks since Harry helped me and Pansy, and since then me and Harry have been meeting up every chance we get. I know the end of the year is coming but I don't want it to end I don't want to go back to the manor I want to stay with Harry. 

I was on my way to meet Harry when I was stopped by the Weasel. "What is it Weasel." I spat.

"Have you done something to Harry!" 

"Potter, what why the hell would you think I did anything to Potter!?"

"He's been sneaking off recently and every time he re shows up in the Great Hall and not five minutes later you show up!"

"I've been in the library studying maybe ask YOUR friend where he's been off and what he has been doing and NOT me!" I walked off. I walked in the Room of Requirements.

"Hey where have you been!?" Harry asked me the minute I got in the door.

"The Weasel asked me about where you had been." 


"Yup." I sat my bag on the couch and walked over to him. I kissed his neck and then kissed him. 

He slightly looked up at me a look that's like really."You know we have twenty minutes until dinner." I whispered in his ear. He rolled his eyes and then kissed me. 

Luna's Pov: 

Me and Ginny were about to let the whole school know about our relationship and I;m not going to lie I was freaking out. I looked over at Ginny who looked worried. 

"Ginny what's the matter love?"

"Its nothing." 

"I'm sure it not nothing what is it?"

"I'm just a little nervous that's all." 

"Okay." I kissed her hand. 

She looked at me. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." We walked into the Great Hall holding hands and at first not many people noticed us, then Ginny turned to me and kissed me before saying "I love you." and walking to the Griffyndor table as I walked to the Ravenclaw table when I sat down I could see Ginny's whole face had dropped she looked so upset. 

Ginny's Pov:

I kissed Luna told her I loved and I was heading back to my table to sit down, when I sat down I saw Hermoine who was saying "Awww how adorable!" then I turned to my brother. 

"Your gay!?"

I lowered my head. "Yea." I knew this probably wasn't going to go good. 

"Oh cool." I lifted my head up in shock. "Your not mad!?"

"Ginny your my little sister who I will always love." I smiled.

Harry's Pov: 

I kissed Draco one more time before walking to the Great Hall for dinner. I walked through the doors and sat next to Ginny who seemed oddly happy. Probably has something to do with Luna. 

"Harry mate where have you been?"

"I went for a walk and lost track of time." I looked over at the Slytherin table and saw Draco still hadn't walked in yet which was odd normally he is right behind me. I then looked over at the door and I didn't see anyone walking in. 

"Your like ten minutes late!" Ron exclaimed. 

I looked back at him. "I told you Ron I lost track of time when I went on my walk."

"If you say so." 

Hermoine looked at me and I'm guessing she caught the sense of me being worried because she asked me "Harry what's wrong?" 

"Oh its nothing." 

I heard the Great Hall doors open and mine, Ron's, Hermoine's, and Ginny's heads turn. I saw Draco walking in. I also heard Ron say "What happened to that git?"

Draco's hair was messy which I think looks cute on him and at first I thought it was from earlier but he was fixing his hair as I was leaving I caught a glimpse of his face and saw he had a cut on his face and what looked to be a black eye and I became even more worried.

"He isn't a git Ron." Crap I just said that out loud. 

"WHAT!? Please tell me I just miss heard you." 

"No you didn't miss hear me." 

"Harry he bullied you for years! He was jerk to all of us not to mention he is a Death Eater." I punched Ron right in the face and spat "He didn't have a choice." I was angrier than I had been in a long time. Ron was holding his nose as blood got all over his hands, I looked up and saw most people in the Great Hall were looking at me, I quickly glanced over at the Slytherin table and saw Draco was looking at me with a confused face. I just ran out of the Great Hall, and found myself on the second floor so I went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. When I got in I sat on the ground and try to calm myself, then I started to cry why I wasn't quite sure maybe because Ron called my boyfriend a Death Eater when he didn't have any choice. I heard the door open and I quickly said "Go away!" 

"Love it's just me." Draco walked up to me and I gave him a soft smile. He sat down next to me and started rubbing circle's in my back. "Weasley has a broken nose, what happened in there?"

"He called you a Death Eater."

Draco lifted my chin so I had to look at him because I had been looking at the floor. "Love, please don't ruin your friendships because of me." 

"How can you say that, it's not right for people to call you names that had to do with things you didn't have a choice in, even if their my friends."

"Harry I don't want you messing any of your friendships because of me." 

"That's my choice to make Draco." 

"But what if you realize this isn't what you want and your friendships are all messed up and you regret everything." 

"What!? I do want this and I don't care about any friendships because you are more important than anything and I love you more than anything and nothing in this world could ever make me regret that or my feelings for you." 

He had a smile on his face "I love you too Harry." He kissed me and I kissed him back. When we pulled away I asked "What happened?" Referring to his cut and black eye on his face. 

"Oh I just tripped." He was lying I could feel it. 

"Draco why are you lying to me?"

"Because maybe I don't want you to know the truth."

"Please tell me." 

"Fine! I was on my way to the Great Hall when some stupid people grabbed me and started beating me up and throwing hexes at me because they said I ruined their chosen on and year they know about us." 

"I have two things, one do you not want people to know about us?"

"What no of course I do I just didn't know how you would react if I told  you I wanted to be done hiding my relationship."

I smiled. "And two who are they."

"A few sixths year, Alster Clover, Ellie Bella, and Jack Smith." (Made up names, I couldn't think of any body) 

I was angry because I thought of Jack as my friend come to find out he hurt my boyfriend. I got up. "Harry where are you going?"

"One to deal with these jerks and two I want the school to know who I loved." I walked out the room. 

Author's Note: 

One more chapter I have literally sadness, I will probably be posting the last chapter sometime in between Friday- Sunday. Anyway hope you guys are enjoying your weekend and I hope you have a great rest of your weekend.

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