Chapter Seven:

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Hi guys I just want to check in I hope you guys are likeing the story so far, any way Enjoy 😁.

Harry's Pov:

I had a busy day but the sad part about it was I had zero class with Draco.

Which actually might have been good we didn't want to draw suspicion to our self's because how would you even being to explain it.

I tried to kinda avoid Ginny because of two reasons. One being that Draco doesn't truly like her, and I don't want her to kiss me and Draco see and him think that I want to be with her and not him, and Two she isn't him, her kiss isn't his kiss, her eyes aren't his beautiful gray eyes that I could get lost in for hours, it's just not the same.

(After the day)

I looked at the time, and found some joy in the day dinner time the one time I'm granted to see Draco.

I had just entered the great hall I glanced over at the Slytherin table, but Draco wasn't there yet.

I started walking over to the Griffyndor table when I saw Ginny but she wasn't looking at me or anyone else she was looking over at the Ravenclaw table, I sat down next to her because I decide it was finally time I hate not being able to fully call Draco mine.

"Hey Ginny"

She was startled and lost eye contact in whatever she was looking at, she looked up at me "Oh hey Harry..." I could tell something was off with her.

"Look we need to talk" We both said at the same time, and we both laughed.

"Let's talk come on" I walked out of the great hall though we were still near the doors.

"Harry, there is something serious I need to tell you." She said very calmly.

"Same here Ginny how about on the count of three." I said trying to cheer her up because even if I was about to brake up with her she was still my friend.

"Ok..." She replied hesitant, and a hint of sadness.




"I dont think this is working, and I think I have feelings for someone else." We both blurted out, I had closed my eyes tightly.

"Wait you too!?" She said with happiness, like she was happy she wasnt hurting me.

"Yea. I'm glad you feel the same way about this I didnt want you getting hurt because your still my friend."

"Same here." She replied sweetly.

After that we talked for a minute or two until she pointed behind me, I turned around and too my suprise Draco was there I gave him a smile.

Draco's Pov:

It had been like a week or two since, me and Harry shared our first kiss, we had shared many more. Pansy knows about me and Harry I haven't told anyone else about it he said he didn't want the Wealsey girl to know that he's basically cheating on her with me, I asked him why not just not break up with her, me trying not to sound completely jealous he said something about not wanting her to get hurt, and I will admit that I love his big heart but sometimes, it's annyoing I just want to call Harry mine and only mine. I was walking down to dinner with Blaize and Pansy when I saw Harry, talking to that Wealsey girl, did he seem sad or was it happy. He turned around to me and our gazes met, not only did our gazes meet he had a smile on his face.

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