Chapter Nineteen:

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Harry's Pov: 

I was at first walking out of the room but it ended up being a sprint back down to the Great Hall I walked in, I saw Ginny and rushed over to her. 

"Ginny I know I just punched your brother in the face and all-" 

She interrupted me "He deserved it what he said was totally un-called for especially to say that to someone whose on our side, and someone who you love." 

"Well I'm glad to hear your not mad with me but see the thing is I need your help. It has to do with Draco." 

"Well anything I can do to help."

"You remember when Draco first walked in to the Great Hall?"

"Yea, by the way what happened to him?"

"That's what I need your help with some sixth years hexed him and bullied him the thing is I don't know what they look like and from what he says there are three of them and I can't take on three people by myself."

"Well I'm always up for a little revenge especially when it comes down to the person you love." 

"Thank you so much Ginny." I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Now what are their names?"

"Um Alster Clover, Ellie Bella, and Jack Smith."

"Ugh I hate them all, Jack is in our house of course you know that but Ellie is in Ravenclaw and Alster is in Slytherin one of the only Slytherins who think you as a savior that or he just hates Draco." 

"Well you know what the other two look like are they in here?"

She looked around "They aren't in here and neither is Jack." 



"I left Draco alone." 

"Well let's go!" We both got up and ran out of the Great Hall. 

"Where did you leave him last?"

"Second floor Moaning Myrtle's bathroom that's where I ran after I punched Ron, Draco found me and comforted me then we kinda got in a little fight then I asked him what happened to him he told me I got mad and ran out of the bathroom I'm pretty sure he followed me out but, then I ran into the Great Hall and now your all caught up." 

"Well let's get to the second floor then." 

We ran up to the second floor and to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. 

"He's not here." 

"Where would they have gone." 

"I don't-" 

I heard a scream. 

"Draco!" I sprinted as fast as I could, I knew Ginny was following behind me. 

When we got to where we heard the scream I saw the three surrounding Draco he was on the floor his face was scratched up he was bleeding a lot. I pulled out my wand "YOU GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" 

They all looked startled. "Get away from him or this is going to get bloody." Ginny stood right beside me.  

"We can take you." 

"Alster think its GINNY WEALSEY and HARRY POTTER and I've never seen Harry this angry not even when we was fighting he who shall not be named."

"It's because we attacked his love don't you see that." Ellie screamed at them "I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS TO LET THEM BE THEIR ARE ADORABLE TOGETHER!" 

I think I'm in Love... (Drarry and Linny)Where stories live. Discover now