Chapter Two:

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Quick little note for this chapter (also sorta the story). So I've gotten a good amount of comments talking about how this moved really fast. First off I want to say it is a DREAM (sorry for caps.). Second off I want to sorta explain the meaning and what not behind the dream, so I honestly can't remember what the exact time line was for this but if I would have to guess this would be seventh year not like eight year after the war but like if they had a seventh year before the war and then after seventh year it took place which after the war is the time line for the sequel spoiler alert. So let's pretend Dumbledore died of old age and Draco didn't get the dark mark in sixth year he got it at the beginning of the war and he didn't have to kill Dumbledore. Okay now that was a lot about the time line oof. Moving on so I truthfully think that Harry did possibly have feelings for Draco throughout their time at Hogwarts and he just never realized it because let's be honest Harry is oblivious, so seeing Draco and all of that finally made his self conscious aware of these feelings and the whole dream is basically Harry's self making Harry him self aware of these feelings and sorta wanting him to act on them whether he's with Ginny or not because his self conscious knows he's not happy and is trying to make him see that if that makes sense. I want to apologize for making you guys read this but I didn't want to explain my thoughts a bunch of times over and over again. Now on with the chapter: 

Harry's Pov:

It was dark, empty Harry had no idea where he was, or even if he was alone.

"Ron" he called but no response, "Hermione" but every name he called there was no response.

"Draco...." he said in more of a whisper.

Draco appears walking out of the darkness, he walked closely to him pushing him up against the wall "Miss me?" He whispered in his ear.

Harry couldn't help but turn red , and there was something, that something he didn't have with Ginny.

He didnt quite know how to respond to Malfoy but he didnt need to respond because in a second Draco had but his lips on top of Harry's.

It felt like a million lights had went on like thousands of butterfly's were in his stomach and there was passion and that something, the something he had been missing, he kissed Malfoy and it felt amazing.

Malfoy had started kissing Harry's neck while he had his hand on Harry's waist.

It felt so good, so right Harry didnt think anything could come between them but then, Harry felt like he was being shaken.

"HARRY! WAKE UP!" Ron screamed in his ear. Harry awoke realizing that, what just happened the thing he was missing that something he had was just a dream.

"What Ron" Harry replied with a attitude for being woken up. "Harry did you say Malfoy in your sleep like MALFOY UR ENEMY!" , "What no you probaly just misheard me and why would I say Malfoy's name anyway!?".

Harry was startled that we was not only dreaming on Malfoy but saying his name in his sleep not to mention thinking about him all day. Harry ran into Ginny at breakfast she gave him a kiss but it was nothing compared to the one he had with Malfoy in the dream.

Harry realized that something he had in the kiss with Malfoy, he didn't have in the kiss with Ginny. Harry pulled away and glanced off looking around all the students in the great hall and then it happened he locked eyes with Malfoy.

Harry felt butterfly's in his stomach and his face light up, all he could think about was if what was in his dream could be true but he would never know, Malfoy hated him and it had always been that way.

Ginny's Pov:

Ginny had noticed Harry was acting different since what happened on the train.

The first night back she couldn't find him anywhere, she wanted to ask him what was wrong but didn't dare tempt to she didn't want him getting angry with her.

Her brother Ron believes the reason Harry has been acting so weird is because of Draco, Ron claimed he heard Harry say something about Malfoy in his sleep, Ginny dismissed that it had anything to do with Malfoy.

Ginny had fallen asleep the first night thinking about Harry, and how cheese it would sound if she ever told anyone , but she didn't care she loved him.

That morning she had ran into Harry in the great hall she kissed him but he had pulled away like he did on the train.

Ginny watched as his eyes scanned the room sort of until the meet with his eyes Draco's eyes. Could Ron have been right does the reason Harry is acting weird have something to do with Draco?

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