Chapter Fourteen:

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Draco's Pov:

I explained everything to Pansy and her face when from sorta clam to worried, terrified, and a little bit of confusion.

"I guess that explains why the Dark Lord wanted to meet me." She look as though she was on the edge of bawling her eyes out.

I hugged her to show I cared and I was there for her, she didnt expect me to hug her she looked surprised but, she ended up hugging back.

"Pansy I think I know a way to get the Death Eater out of your head."

"What! How?"

"Theres no time to explain come on!" I raced out the door trying to find Harry when I remembered where he would be, so I took off in the opposite direction, I saw Pansys confused face as I ran the other way.

I arrived at the Room of Requiments Pansy caught up but she was out of breath, I knocked on the wall when a door appeard and opened.

"Dray!" Harry said coming out of the room and kissing me.

I didnt understand why he missed me so much then I realized it was hours after I said I was going to meet him, he waited for me!?

I kissed back forgetting Pansy was there for a moment until I heard a "Awwww" I'm guessing Harry heard the sound to because he quickly left the kiss.

He looked at me, "I didnt know you were bring anyone."

"Well we have a problem and I'm sure you'll be able to help."

He gave me a confused look. "Well then come in we most not be seen out here."

Ginny's Pov:

It had been a few days since I last spoke to Harry and a few weeks since me and him broke up so I could be with Luna and him with Malfoy. I dont have a problem with him being with a guy but Malfoy of all people.

I was on my way to the Griffyndor tower, when I saw Malfoy sprinting to the Room of Requiments and Pansy barley following him. I wonder what that's all about I decided to follow.

When they arrived at the Room of Requiments Malfoy knocked on the wall and the door appeared and opened it and screamed "Dray!" and then kissed the blonde. I smiled to myself at least Harry is happy and if Malfoy makes Harry happy than he can't be all that bad.

Instead of going to the Griffyndor tower, I followed the path to the Library where I was sure Luna was I walked in and saw her with her head in a book, I walked over to her and she lifted her head up and I took the chance to kissed her gently. When we spearted for air you could see the blushes on her checks it made her look adorable. With that we just talked the rest of the night till curfew.

Authors Note:

I am so so sorry guys that I havent been updating this story I recently broke my arm and it was hard to type, but I did make a Christmas Edition little Drarry story if you are interested, but with also having broke my wrist I've recently had surgery and I've been recovering from that. However I'm feeling alot better and my wrist is healed, I go back on the 15th to hopefully get the brace I have on off. So I will start re updating normally, I also wanted to say thank you for everyone who is reading this and thank you for taking interested in my fanfiction and taking the time out of you day to read it, it means alot to me. I hope you all have a great rest of your week.

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