03. | LETTER from the Editor

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Fall 2019

Dear Reader:

Since you are reading this premier edition of ChickLit_Nest's brand-new chick lit-erary magazine, PINK DANDELION QUARTERLY, you are most likely a fan of contemporary women's literature in all its guises. You long to see a revival of the genre that brought us Bridget Jones's Diary, Waiting to Exhale, The Devil Wears Prada, Sex and the City, and the Shopaholic series. Pink covers with stiletto heels still make you giddy.

Or perhaps you are just discovering contemporary chick lit and you're dying to read more books like Crazy Rich Asians or The Right Swipe. These books fall into the rom-com category--romance novels, yes, but with a strong, chick lit vibe and sub-plot and more diversity than the early chick lit stories.

Maybe you're even a reader who craves adult fiction with female protagonists who've been around the block once or twice already and still find themselves asking, "Who am I and how did I get myself into this mess?" Think Where In the World is Bernadette and Jennifer Weiner's, Mrs. Everything. You also enjoy authors like Jodi Piccoult, Alice Hoffman, and Kristen Hannah--women's lit writers who are working hard to elevate popular women's fiction into something a tad more literary.

While much has changed in the world of women's literature since Bridget first slid down that fireman's pole in her short skirt and straight into Mark Darcy's heart (and ours!), the core essentials remain: strong female protagonists, a plot centered on the main character's goals and challenges, and if not a happily ever after, at least a happy for now resolution of the heroine's conflicts. Often humorous, often offering commentary on societal and feminist issues, and always clever, chick lit encourages us to laugh, to think, to mobilize, to empower ourselves, to dream.

The stories and articles in this issue do all that and more. When I put out the call to Chicklit_Nest members asking for contributions to this magazine, I hoped for a few good stories and articles to get PINK DANDELION QUARTERLY launched. What I received was so much beyond my expectations. Each and every story and article submitted blew me away with its depth and quality, and I read through each piece with growing excitement. I know you are going to enjoy each of them as much as I did!

Finally, it's my hope that this magazine will inspire you to write your own chick lit stories. To that end, we have a writing contest that offers you the chance to be published and profiled in our Winter 2019 edition!

So come on in, pour yourself a pumpkin spice latte, and enjoy!



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