04. | CANDLELIGHT by Sue Rose Levy

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Claire just realized that the simplest things in life brought her the most joy

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Claire just realized that the simplest things in life brought her the most joy.

Soy-wax, wooden skewers, essential oils, her mamma sitting across from her humming an old lullaby--this was all it took to fill her heart. Five years had passed since last she visited her mamma. A career as an astrophysicist and working for NASA at Silicon Valley caused family, friends, and love interests to become a back thought.

The sudden death of a loved one made her stop and think, refocusing her life.

As Claire looked out the dining-room window, the most beautiful fall sunset colored the forest just beyond her parent's backyard into a rainbow of red, yellow, orange and brown. The earthly smells combined with the homely ones brought back memories from her childhood. Times when she was content being spread out on the dirt for hours watching bugs crawl around the ground searching for their last supplies of food before winter. Times when she would gather all the discoloring leaves into piles and would spend the entire afternoon jumping on them with her sisters.

How quickly time passed, she thought.

"I'm glad you're finally home, Clairy," said her mother in a soft voice, thrusting Claire back from her nostalgic memories.

With a smile on her face, she met her mother's warm brown eyes. "I'm happy to be home." Claire continued adding drops of pumpkin spice essential oil to the melted wax sitting on the crystal jar before her.

She missed the family tradition.

She missed her mamma.

If only Claire would have stopped to think sooner, she wouldn't be sitting by herself at the family dining table wishing her mamma could say the words she just imagined. Wishing to be with her one last time.

 Wishing to be with her one last time

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Author Bio: Sue Rose Levy a.k.a.  eliyeda is a wife, mother and aspiring author. She says, "I aim to bring stories that touch the hearts of those who read them. Success as a writer to me is when my characters capture my reader's hearts and inspire them to do better in a messed up world."


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Pink Dandelion Quarterly_Fall 2019Where stories live. Discover now