17. | Pink Dandelion Seeking SUBMISSIONS

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PINK DANDELION QUARTERLY is actively seeking submissions for the Winter 2019 issue

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PINK DANDELION QUARTERLY is actively seeking submissions for the Winter 2019 issue. We are looking for chick lit, women's fiction, and romantic comedy featuring female or female-identifying main characters with goals and dreams, challenges and setbacks, and happy ever after or happy for now endings. We will also consider personal narratives, essays about the chick lit genre or market, and how-to-write articles. The theme for Winter 2019 is Cold Days, Warm Hearts and fiction stories should have a romance element. Of course, family and friends and career elements are encouraged, as well. 

If you are uncertain about what exactly chick lit IS, read the essays and stories in this issue for an idea of what we are looking for. 


Language: At this time we only accept/publish stories written in English.

Flash Fiction: Up to 500 words

Fiction and Non-Fiction: 501-5000 words.

Proofread: Spelling and grammar and proper usage of the English language is important. 

Send submission via email to: chicklitnest@yahoo.com with "Submission Winter 2019" in the subject line and your submission in the body of the email. Please indicate word count. Attachments will not be opened. 

Deadline: November 1

Notification: We will notify you of your acceptance or rejection via email. If you are accepted, we will ask you to send us a brief bio.

Publication: If accepted, your piece will be published in the Winter 2019 issue. You will be listed on the masthead as a contributor with a link to your profile. A link to your Wattpad profile and your bio will be included at the end of your piece.  We will also follow your Wattpad profile.

Following Chick Lit Nest: You are not required to follow the Chick Lit Nest in order to submit or be published in our magazine...but we sure would love it if you did! Shout-outs on Wattpad and social media are also welcome. The wider our base, the more we can offer contributors regarding publicity and visibility. As our readership and submission numbers grow, the more prestigious your publishing credit on PDQ will be, so helping spread the word is ultimately in your best interest, too. 

Thank you for reading and hope to receive your submission soon! 


Shelley Burbank/Editor

Pink Dandelion Quarterly

Pink Dandelion Quarterly

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Pink Dandelion Quarterly_Fall 2019Where stories live. Discover now