School Trip: Discussing Travel Plans

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Eight months after being resurrected in the Blip, Peter had developed feelings for fellow classmate and friend, Michelle Jones, and decided to use the upcoming school summer trip to Europe to confess his feelings. On the last day of school, he approached Ned Leeds in class and detailed his plan to hopefully get his friend's input on his moves.

Peter laid out his plans to Ned, explaining how he'll sit next to Michelle on the flight to Europe, use a dual headphone adapter to watch movies with her, buy a Black Dahlia necklace in Venice, and when they go to Paris, he'll take MJ to the top of the Eiffel Tower to give her the necklace and tell her how he feels, hoping to know that she would feel the same way. Ned then told Peter the next step of his plan should be to not do any of that.

Unexpectedly confused, Peter asked Ned why he shouldn't, being told that both of them will be bachelors in Europe and Ned confidently expressed that Europeans love Americans. Despite his skepticism, Peter told Ned that he really liked MJ for her personality and humor before seeing her approaching to their table. MJ asked the two if they were excited for the science trip, having Peter to tell her that they were indeed. As Ned agreed with Peter, he mentioned they were talking about the plan, causing MJ to ask Peter about it.

As he became flustered, Peter told MJ that he doesn't have a plan and Ned noted that he'll just collect tiny spoons around Europe. Being embarrassed in front of MJ, Peter clarified that he is not collecting spoons but Ned will do. MJ then told them to download a VPN before the trip, having Peter to agree with her. Ned told Peter that their interaction went very well, much to his frustration.

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