Conflict with Mysterio: Creating a New Suit

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Waking up, Peter found himself in a jail cell in Broek op Langedijk, Netherlands alongside a trio of soccer fans, who gave him one of their shirts to keep warm. As he remembered the situation, he broke the holding cell lock and went to reclaim his suit, but instead exited after seeing the inattentive security guard wearing his mask while talking on the phone. An injured Peter made his way into town, and asked a friendly stranger for his phone to call Happy Hogan for a rescue, with the man telling Happy exactly where they were, as Peter had no idea how to pronounce the name of the town.

Happy arrived shortly after the call in the Stark Industries Private Jet, but given recent deceptions by Beck, Peter demanded Happy prove he is himself. Thinking, Happy revealed his awareness of Peter's pay per view bill from their hotel stay in Germany back in 2016, shortly before their conflict with Steve Rogers at the airport; something Parker never told anyone, confirming Hogan to the weary Parker.

In the air, as Happy was providing first aid to Peter, the young hero was too upset at himself having given a super-weapon to megalomaniac willing to kill hundreds of thousands and manipulate millions more. Peter then admitted he felt incapable of living up to Tony's legacy, with Happy reminding Peter that Tony never trusted himself or lived up to his own standards either. Happy then affirmed that Tony never regretted giving Peter the mentorship that he did, having seen the good he had done.

Hogan gave Parker the necessary motivation to focus on stopping Beck. With his resolve restored, Peter wanted nothing more than to stop Beck. Knowing he would target his friends, Peter remembered Flash Thompson had a livestream going for the school trip and needed Happy's mobile phone to find them. Peter pulled up Flash's livestream and learned the group just arrived in London moments earlier, so Hogan plotted a course.

Peter asked how will he fight without a suit, with Happy activating a hidden room with a suit synthesizer which Tony had left in for Peter. While Peter used the Jet's 4D Holographic system to build his new suit, he looked at Happy with the old friend seeing some of Tony Stark's ingenuity in Peter. A nostalgic Happy, wanting to add music to the occasion, then turned on Back in Black on the sound system; to which a comically young Peter mistook for Led Zeppelin upon take off. The jet took off for London to intercept Beck, and finish printing Peter's new suit, who was also implementing tactical and defensive upgrades for the coming fight with the battle drones.

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