The Not Friendly Banter (YxS)

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"Ya, are we going to ride that again? For the fourth time? Aren't you bored?"

It was still 10ish in the morning and a pair that consist of a guy and a girl hadn't move on from one ride: a classic roller coaster with two turns. The roller coaster's line is not packed so they were allowed to take it until this fourth time.

"Aww, come on, Sunbae-nim. You said that you'd like to go on this ride earlier," she said while dragging the poor guy behind her.

"Yes, I did say that. But I just meant one time, not until four!" he whined back. "Don't you want to ride another? The amusement park is starting to get crowded now. We might get in a long line for other rides."

"Just this one more time, Sunbae-nim? You can choose the next ride," said Yena, facing him and pleaded with her puppy-like eyes. She even pouted her lips, making her look like a duck. Seungkwan couldn't understand how in the world this girl can make such face.

'Okay, that's kind of cute,' he thought unconsciously. 'Wait, what? Well, I have to admit that she's cute. But of course, Nako's cuter.'

When the guy didn't give any response, Yena shakes his arm, tried to snap him out of the daydream. "Sunbae-nim? One more time, please?"

Seungkwan let out a defeated sigh and nodded his head. "Okay, okay. After this, we'll ride whatever I choose but for a one-time ride only, understand?"

"Okie dokie. Now, come on!"

Yena walked first eagerly, adding a happy beat in her step, slowly leaving the guy behind. He watched her back and her curly tied hair that waved back and forth, amused at how childish she looks like. With every vibrant step like that, Seungkwan can convince anybody that the girl in front of him is five. Sadly, she's too tall for a five years old kid.

Sensed that Seungkwan is not really trying to match her step and so far behind, Yena looked back. Oh boy, he is way too far. "Come on, Sunbae-nim, after this we could play anything you want." Then she ran to him.

"Aish, seriously, you're way too slow. Aren't you supposed to be a bodyguard?" she complained when she already stopped in front of him. Arms on both her hips.

"What bodyguard? I'm not. I'm just a protective boyfriend," he defended himself.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I can see that so clearly," she mocked him. "Come on, the amusement park is so crowded. We might get stuck in the line for another ride. You said so."

Without so much care, she grabbed his right wrist and dragged him again. He whined some more, but still let her did that.

They did ride the roller coaster again for the fourth time. Yena was so happy and Seungkwan is already tired. He doesn't know why this girl is not getting bored of riding the same thing until four times in a row. It's like repeating the same song for hundred times in a row because you never get enough. Weird to think about that, logically speaking.

He studied her lively face. She still babbling at how awesome the roller coaster was. Seungkwan could see the sparks in her eyes. The giddy smile. The bright color of red in her cheeks. How beaming she was in overall. Somehow, her radiant vibe affected him too. It was so relaxing to be near her.

"So, what's next?" Yena asked when she finally satisfied talking about the ride they just rode. She looked at him with a glint in her eyes.

Seungkwan was a bit startled. He didn't realize that he just admired her and get astonished with her sudden attention to him. "Eh, what? Ah, next ride? Wait, let me think first." He put his right fingers around his chin. "Actually can't we eat first?"

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