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In the end, YeNako is sailing, guys. Who's in the ship with me? *grin*

At last, I finally finished this book safely. Some of you (or maybe all of you?) will probably feel dissatisfied with the ending. Why are they all single at the end? That's life, guys. Lol.

But actually I'm thinking of making a solo pair book for each couple as the continuation of this story. Who's excited?

Anyways, thank you everyone who were in this journey with me! I really couldn't thank you enough for your sweet/hilarious comments and votes. Oh, and silent readers, too, thank you for coming and read until the end!

And thank you for everyone who spending the last week of 2020 with me in this book. I'm totally grateful for every single each of you. Y'all totally make my 2020 brighter. I love you. Big time.

Once again, thank you very much from deep inside my heart for reading my first book ever on wp. 💕

Hope to see you again in my next works! ^^

Oh, and happy new year!!!







((prob will release a teaser of the sequel on mid jan. not sure. finger cross. plsbeexcited!))

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