Hiking (YxS)

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Summer break finally came. Yena was busy munching a watermelon in her apartment's couch with Nako and Seungkwan beside her. They were chilling in her place that day; read magazines, watched some shows, and of course eat the summer's fruit, watermelon. The three of them hung out often after summer break started.

"So hot," Yena whined, still munched the watermelon. Nako turned her head to see the older girl and Seungkwan gave her a sided eye.

"Your air conditioner work just fine, though? Should I tell Sungmin-hyung so he could buy you a new one?"

"He'll bought everything in the store, then," added Nako teasingly. They were laughing.

"But speaking of Sungmin-hyung, where is he?"

"Ah," Yena answered while bit her last bite of watermelon, "he went camping for two days with his buds. He'll be back the day after tomorrow."

"Sounds fun," responded Nako.

"I know, right?" said Yena. She tossed the fork back to the plate, and wipe her hand with tissue beside her. "Nako-ya, do you want to do something like that? Camping? It'll be fun."

"Oh," exclaimed Seungkwan. His eyes were full of excitement. "How about hiking, Nako? You don't need to sleep outside, if you feel uncomfortable."

"Ah, you don't like camping, Nako?"

"I like it," she answered. "But hiking sounds fun, too."

"Yay!" Yena shouted out of joy. "So, when should we do it, then?"

"How about this Saturday?" suggest Seungkwan. "Since next week I'll be busy working on my paper and the part time job."

"Sounds good to me," responded Yena. She then turned to Nako, "How about you, Nako?"

The youngest looked at Yena and Seungkwan back and forth then sighed sadly. "I can't this weekend. I have plans with uncle."

"Oh," Yena said in a low energy voice, "should we postpone this activity? We could do something together later."

"No, no!" Nako protested. "You guys can go hiking without me. Seungkwan-oppa doesn't have much time this summer and only can go this Saturday. Right, Oppa? Yena-unnie is pretty much available too, and you two loves nature. It'll be a nice refreshing activity before the chaos next week. Don't you think so, Oppa?"

Seungkwan stared at his girlfriend for a long time. Pondering whether her idea is good or not. At the end, he sighed in defeat when Nako gave him those twinkling stare.

"Okay," he said. He shifted his attention to Yena, "Ya, should you ask your boyfriend? I can use this opportunity to bond with him if he wants to."

Yena raised her eyebrows. "I told you before that he is in his prison. And I think, he has something to do this Saturday. An every six months company event, I think?" she shrugged her shoulder after that.

The guy looked at her, disbelief. "Are you fighting with your boyfriend?"

She laughed. "What? No, we're good. He just too devoted to his work. I told you, right? I couldn't even interrupt him when he's in work mode."

"Oh I thought you were joking back then. You hang out with a lot of weirdos."

"Including you, Sunbae?"


Nako laughed at their antic. The other two smile warmly watching her.

"Anyway, have fun, you guys!" she said when she finished laughing.

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