You, Jerk! (NxJ)

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Another Wednesday night in the summer break. Usually, at a time like this, Nako is studying and do her paperwork. But since she already done with her assignments, she was bored and decided to watch some 7 pm drama on television.

The lady walked to her cabinet and checked her snacks. Shoot. Her storage was empty. Oh, she forgot that yesterday Yena did sleepover after both the girls met Seungkwan at his job and they consumed all of Nako's snacks. The unnie promised her to buy some to pay her back, though, but Nako needed it like right now to accompany her watch the drama.

So, the tiny girl walked to the refrigerator to checked what else does she have. Oh, shoot. She only have one box of cheese string left and a box of milk. She shrugged her shoulder and took two cheese. After she heated it, Nako walked to her couch and turned on the tv.

The 7 pm drama that flick on her tv showed some heated scene right after she turned it on. The lady immediately close her face with both palm, then peek. Oh my God, that was some hot kiss scene. But then, the actor left the actress alone after those make out session.

'What a jerk,' thought Nako. But after those scene, she remembered a certain memory which always play in her head every time she wanted to sleep.

Memory of last Saturday, on the 8th floor of a hotel's balcony. Those damn lips of Jihoon-sshi touched her. Kissed her softly for ten seconds or so and then, he have the audacity to left her stunned, couldn't move, all alone. She even walked back to the party alone and sat awkwardly alone. She doesn't even know where he went and disappeared after those damn short lived kiss.

Uh, Nako cursed him mentally. Her cheeks redened. She doesn't even know why she didn't push him away. Oh my, she doesn't want to think about it!

"Oh Lord, I better get ready and eat at Seungkwan-oppa's part time job again. Stupid drama."

After she turned the tv off, Nako grab her white sling bag and a thin black cardigan to out her sleeveless t-shirt. Without so much care, she took her white sandals and went out.

On the way out to the bus stop, she kept thinking unconsciously about those drama scene and that led to Saturday night again. Why couldn't she stop thinking about that accident anyway?

Yes, accident. Or it wasn't an accident? Well, Jihoon-sshi seemed sober and knew well what he did. So, it wasn't an accident? Why did he kiss her, then? Spur of the moment? But, the atmosphere wasn't romantic, it was more awkward. So, why?

Aigoo. Thinking about that make her head ache. And unfortunately, she couldn't stop herself for not thinking about that. Jihoon-sshi could be the sole reason of her death.

The bus then stopped. Nako automatically stepped out, too, like some robot on a programme. But, the first thing she saw made the tiny lady jaw dropped.


It was her uncle's entertainment building.

Shit. She unconsciously went to Jihoon's instead of Seungkwan's job. Stupid, stupid drama.

Nako let out a heavy sighed. She shook her head and put out her phone from the bag. 8:13 pm. Jihoon-sshi must be had his dinner already, since they met at 7ish the previous time she went there. She hoped he already went and back to his work room.

The store's bell dinged when the cutie went inside. She immediately went to the heavy food aisle and struggling to pick one.

'Ah, jjajangmyeon. Yena-unnie said Jihoon-sshi likes to mix this thing with something. What is that? Spicy ramyeon? Or not? Oh, well, let's tonight's dinner be jjajangmyeon, then.'

Nako grabbed the noodles with black sauce that needed to be heated in the counter. Before she pay for the dinner so the food could be heated, she went to the snacks section.

In the middle of selecting some snacks to stack her cabinet, Nako heard the store's bell dinged. Out of curiosity, she peeked to see who was it.

Dang, it was Jihoon.

Jihoon-sshi just entered the store.

The guy looked tired but still dazzling in his casual shirt and black short. Nako couldn't believe her eyes. Why she bumped into him again? And why did she even think that he's dazzling?

The tiny lady hide her body behind those stacks of snacks. But Jihoon marched up straight to the cashier right after he finished choosing his drink. The guy didn't bother to take a look left and right.

'Well, it's better if he doesn't see me.'

But then, someone accidentally drop their coins beside Nako and made everyone pay attention to that person. Including Jihoon.

His eyes met hers.

Nako began to panic. She raised her right hand, waves and awkwardly said, "O-oh, Jihoon-sshi, hello." But the man just stared and left the store when he finished purchasing his things.

That got Nako angry. She stormed to the cashier and angrily exit the store to ran toward Jihoon.

"YA!" she shouted. Her steps were loud because she walked super fast after found him. But the guy didn't stop.

"Ya! Stop right there, you asshole!"

Jihoon stopped in his track. Surprised to hear that. He turned his body in Nako's direction. Boy, he made the usually cute, bashful lady into a burned eyes, madly lady.

"You curse," he stated.

"Of course, I am!" she yelled and stopped when she was a meter away from him. She huffed and blow a breath angrily. "What do you think you're doing?"

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Last Saturday! Do you even remember what happened?"

The guy looked expressionless after that. "Enlighten me."

"You!" she started to shout again. Didn't care if anyone can hear. There were just a few passing by, anyway.


Her eyes got teary, but more angry. "You stole my first and left! What kind of man are you?!"

A shocked appears on his face. "I—what?"

"You. Stole. My. First!" she stressed every words. "And pulled out a jerk move!"

"Ya, stop shouting!"

"Who the hell are you to tell me to stop shouting?!" she yelled again. Jihoon move to make his way into her, but Nako stepped back. "No, stay in your place!"

He stopped. She stopped, too. Nako took a big breath and let it out loud. Her eyes piercing into his. "I just want to curse into your pretty face and get this over with," she said after calming down a bit. The lady then marched forward and shoved her plastic bags into his hand. He caught it with a reflex.

"And you need to eat properly, Jihoon-sshi!" Then she turned her back and left. But after five steps, Nako turned her body again to jogged into his way and took back the plastic. She took the jjajangmyeon and an instant ramyeon out, then shoved that two back into his hand. "The rest of this snacks are mine!" And really left.

Jihoon stunned. He watched her back went further. But before she got too far, he gained his composure and shouted, "Nako-sshi, let me drive you home!"

She stopped, turned her back at her place, and shouted back, "No, Jerk, the bus much safer!" Then she ran. The bus arrived in time.

Her tiny back gone inside the bus. When he couldn't see the big ride anymore, Jihoon shifted his attention toward his hand. He sighed in defeat.

She happened to get him his favorite brand of ramyeon. He is such a jerk.




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