Chapter 3

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*Lafayette's POV*

Once Alex's breathing had slowed, and I tickled him but got no response, I figured he was asleep. I gently got up and set him so that he was comfortable, wrapped in blankets and cuddling one of my many stuffed animals.

I went to the kitchen and quickly found the person I was looking for in Alexander's contacts, and dialed the number. Not much to my surprise, he answered almost as soon as the phone started ringing.

"Hello, Alexander. Can I help you, son?" Mr. Washington called him son? They're much closer than Alex says.

"Bonjour, it's Alexander's friend Lafayette, I have an urgent matter to discuss with you. It's about Alexander. Are you busy?"

"No, not at the moment. If you don't mind me asking, where is Alex?"

"He's asleep. Would you be okay with coming to my house? If he wakes up, I don't want him to panic if he's alone."

"Understandable. Could you please send me your address? Then I'll be on my way."

"Sure," I sent him my address, a little uncertain if I could trust him. But I had to right now, for Alex's sake.

"Okay, I'm heading there now. Can you explain the situation to me while I drive?"

"I-I think it would be better for me to explain it all in person. But from what Alex told me, it's very serious."

"Wait, it's about Alex? Why didn't you mention it sooner?"

"I'm sorry, I guess mentioning that slipped my mind..."

"I'm gonna need to hang up, I can drive better if I have both hands on the wheel."

"Understood. Drive safe."

"Be there soon."

Mr. Washington hung up, and I decided to grab some snacks and drinks. I got water, not knowing what he could drink, and some crackers. Hopefully he's not allergic to anything....

*Washington's POV*

I was a little uncertain about this man, but if it's about Alexander then I have to risk it.

My mind started swimming with possibilities. Did he get sick? Was it something at work? Wait a minute, earlier...Thomas! It must have been something he did, he never leaves Alexander alone. But, something as trivial as kicking...something must have happened after the meeting, after I left.

I was nearly speeding on the highway. I got a text from Alexander's friend, asking where I am. I let him know that I was almost there, and kept trying to think. What could Thomas have done? Was it really so bad that he had his friend tell me? They must be close, I think I can trust him.

I pull up to the address, at least I hope it's right. I knock on the door, but a woman answers, and I'm pretty sure I talked to a man on the phone.

"Hello, may I help you?" the woman asks. This is not the person I talked to earlier.

"My apologies, I believe I have been mistaken. Do you know a man named...uh, I think it was Lafayette?" I asked nervously, hoping I had at least gotten the right name.

"Oh, he lives right over there," she answered, pointing to the house next door.

"Thank you so much, have a nice evening!" I yelled behind me, already running over to Lafayette's house.

*nobody's POV*

Lafayette heard knocking on the door, assumed it was Mr. Washington and opened it. Said man rushed in, quietly hanging up his jacket.

"Should I take off my shoes?" He asked, eyeing the pairs of shoes by the door.

"I'd be grateful if you did, thank you."

He removed his shoes and looked around my apartment. At first Lafayette thought he was judging it, but his eyes were filled with awe.

"Your place is really nice, sir," Mr. Washington said.

"Oh, merci," Lafayette thanked him. "Would you care for some snacks? I'm afraid I didn't know what you would like, so I've only set out some crackers. Can I get you anything else?"

"No, this is fine. S-so, about Alexander?" Mr. Washington asked nervously. He was probably scared of the answer, and Lafayette was scared of having to deliver it.

"Well, it according to Alexander it all started with one of the people who work there named Thomas—"

"I should have known."

"I beg your pardon?"

"IT'S ALWAYS THOMAS! HE ACTS LIKE HE CAN TREAT MY SON HOWEVER HE WANTS JUST BECAUSE HIS DAD OWNS A BIG COMPANY! I don't even know why I hired him anyway!" Mr. Washington yelled, tears starting to form in his eyes. Small, but noticeable.

"This may seem off topic, but did you call Alex your...son?"

"I've always thought of Alexander as a son to me," Mr. Washington said somewhat quietly, turning his face away from Lafayette, a few tears escaping from his eyes.

"You...have?" Alexander asked, standing in the doorway.

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