Chapter 10

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*James's POV*

I watched the kid, Ethan, walk away. I look at Thomas, confused.

"Dude...what was that?"

"What's your deal, James?" Thomas asked. Seriously, what was up with him?

"You acting nice to some Alex's kid? Who replaced you with a robot Thomas?"

"Look, stuff happened after the meeting and I did something really really messed up to Alexander. Like, he'll be scarred for some time, most likely. Him and I are starting on new terms to hopefully be friends." Thomas said, avoiding my glare.

"You and Alex? Friends? How pathetic!" I laughed.

"If you can't understand then you won't be my friend anymore."

"Fine by me, take Aaron with you." I walked away and flipped him off. How was I friends with him in the first place?

*Washington's POV*

As I was scrolling through some emails, Ethan bounded happily through the door.

"Look look look! I made a picture!" Ethan jumped excitedly as he shoved the paper in my face.

"That's awesome Ethan! Stop waving it around so I can see," I smiled. He handed me the drawing.

"Is this me, you, Lafayette and Alexander?" I inquired.

"Yeah! It's me and my...chosen family!"

"How do you know what chosen family means, Ethan?" I looked at him quizzically.

"I'm not exactly sure, I think it's something my mother had said before...and I'm not a child! I'm nine years old!" Ethan said confidently. He sure is small for a nine year old, but I don't think he knows that. And he doesn't need to.

"Well, I'm proud to be part of your chosen family," I said, getting up. I handed him his paper and took his hand.

"Let's get back to Alex okay?" I said as I opened the door.

"Do you think he'll like the drawing?" Ethan inquired.

"Of course, he's going to love it," I said as I looked back at him.

"Who's going to love what?" Alex said as he turned the corner, too busy looking through some papers to notice that Ethan was with me.

"Look Alex! I drew a picture!" Ethan held the picture up so Alex could see it.

"That's amazing, Ethan! I love it!" Alex laughed as he lifted Ethan into the air.

"Don't throw him, you're still inside," I said jokingly. Just then James walked around the other corner looking extremely mad. He glared at me, then at Alex, and back at me. Alex and Ethan didn't notice, but I did and I wasn't letting anything happen to anyone in the office. Not anymore.

"Alex, you little—!" James yelled as he started approaching Alex. Not today, James. I quickly intercepted his approach and had to hold him back from beating the living daylights out of Alexander.

"Let go of me, this isn't any of your business!" James screamed as he fought against me, trying to get out of my grasp.

"Excuse me? Are you trying to say that you attacking one of your coworkers, my employee, is none of my business? Alexander, take Ethan with you to your office and stay in there, got it? James..."

"Y-yes sir?"

"Meet me in my office."

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