Chapter 15

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*Alex's POV*

Ethan ran in and out of my office almost all day. I was too focused on my work to ask what he was doing, but nobody was complaining so I assumed it was fine. After an hour of not hearing the door open and close I turned to see Ethan surrounded by paper.

"What are you up to buddy?" I asked, a little bit afraid of the answer.

"Work," he replied bluntly, not looking up or away from whatever he was doing. Deciding I was satisfied with his answer I got back to my own work.

*Ethan's POV*

Alex doesn't really know it, but I've been super busy all day. I'm sure he's heard me running in and out but he didn't seem to be paying attention, which is pretty good.

I've been visiting every single office on this floor of the building, including the janitors and stuff. I got bored of coloring in pictures and I already drew a bunch of pictures of Laf, Alex and Mr. Washingmachine so I decided to draw other people.

Everyone was super nice, they let me photograph them using Alex's phone (don't tell him I used it!) so I could have a drawing reference. The paper I was using wasn't that big, so I was hoping that I could get permission from Mr. Washingmachine to hang some of them up.

I have three stacks of papers: one for the pictures I colored in (that weren't in coloring books), one for the drawings of me, Alex, Laf and Mr. Washingmachine, and one for the office drawings. I also have some other papers scattered around, I mean I'm a kid so I'm not that organized.

~time skip~

I finally finished everyone's drawings! They aren't the best but I think they turned out okay! Alex is STILL working, not paying any attention to me, so I gathered my drawings and simply walk out Alex's office. I also took pictures of everyone's office number so I knew where each picture went. It was a lot of walking but I had so much fun! Everyone was really nice. They said my art looked good.

I still had Alex's phone, and suddenly it started buzzing. I saw that the caller  ID said "Herc" on it, so I picked up.

"Yo Alex! You wanna come with us to John's place to drink? We're gonna play a bunch of games too, like Monopoly and drinking games. You wanna come?" Herc asked.

"Hi, is this Herc? It says Herc on the screen so that's what I'll call you. Anyway, I'm kinda busy doing stuff right now and Alex's phone has pictures that I need so he can't talk to you right now."

"Okay, can you ask him if he wants to come with us to John's house?"

"Sure, bye," I said, hanging up. Right before I did I think he tried to say something else but I didn't really care, I was busy. I finished what I was doing and began heading back to Alex's office when a tall figure stood right in front of me.

"Excuse me, I gotta go somewhere," I said, trying to walk around the person. They kept blocking me, and so I looked up and immediately wish I hadn't.

"Judging by the look of horror on your face I'm going to assume you remember me," the guy whispered darkly.

"You're the guy who took my drawing. Can you move so I can get where I'm going?" I tried not to be too rude, because he looked super strong and I didn't want him to beat me up.

"I don't need to go anywhere, because the only place you're going is with me."

He tried to grab me but I turned around and ran, with no real destination in mind. I just wanted to get away from him, he was scaring me. I already didn't like him, since he had taken my drawing and made fun of Alex, but now he's trying to take me! At least with mom life was somewhat calm for has been so long and crazy!

I noticed one of the office doors were open, so I quickly ran into the office and shut the door, panicking because there wasn't a lock.

"HELP ME PLEASE THERE'S THIS" I started to scream. Then I realized that the office was completely empty. I turned back to the door and saw the doorknob slowly start to turn. I grabbed a chair and pushed it up against the door, giving myself some time to hide. I quickly ducked behind the desk, coiling into a tight ball.

"Oh come on, I'm not that stupid. I know you're in here, and I will find you. I won't harm you, you can trust me," the man said calmly. I heard the door shut behind him.

"I know you hate me because I made fun of you and Alex, and I took your drawing, but I swear I've changed! I'm not mad or anything anymore, I just want to be friends. Want me to tell you something?" The man said, his last sentence sounding sad. I couldn't let anyone be sad, no matter who he was, so I crawled out and stood across the room, opposite to where he was standing.

"After I made fun of you and you left, Thomas got mad at me and started screaming at me. Then, he told our boss that I took your drawing, and I got fired. Thomas hates me, and he got others to hate me too. It's your fault, technically, so you have to help me."

I was almost crying. Had I really done that to him? Of course I did, why would he lie? So I went to him and gave him a hug.

"I'm so sorry I made you upset, I'll help you however I can!" I desperately clung to him, begging for forgiveness.

"All is forgiven, Ethan. Hey, I have an idea," the guy said, lifting me up and holding me.

"What is it?"

"Let's go take a little adventure!" He said, swinging me in the air. "Don't worry, Alex already knows, I told him."

Well, if Alex already knows, then it's fine! I still have his phone. Besides, the guy said it's a little adventure so I'll be able to give it back soon anyways. I nodded and he set me down, grabbing my hand tightly. It hurt a little bit, but I decided to ignore it.

"Oh, I just remembered something! I dunno your name! What is it?" I asked.

"I'm James, my apologies for not telling you earlier," he said, glancing down at me.

"It's okay, don't worry about it!" I beamed back at him.

*James's POV*

"It's okay, don't worry about it!" Ethan smiled at me. I only gripped his hand tighter, somehow even more annoyed. Ugh, this kid was so oblivious.

This was almost too easy.

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