Chapter 4

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*Alex's POV*

I woke up to yelling, and instead of Lafayette I was cuddling a stuffed animal. I sleepily got up and tried to recognize the voice, but I was so tired. I finally just went out into the kitchen and saw Mr. Washington. Wait...


I couldn't help but overhear the conversation between my boss and my boyfriend, it seemed pretty intense.

"I've always thought of Alex as a son," Mr. Washington said quietly, but not quietly enough since I could hear it. I felt my heart race and my eyes well with tears, did he really care about me this much? I couldn't be sure, I had to ask.

"You...have?" I questioned, surprising the two men. They turned towards me, shocked. Lafayette ran over to me and tried to get me back in the room, but I wasn't having it.

"What's wrong? Why's my boss here? Why's he crying? D-does he really think of me so highly?" I kept asking questions, a little scared of the answers.

"Mr. Lafayette, let him stay. It's about him, after all, so it's his business as well."

"Um, Mr. Washington, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course Alexander."

"Do you...r-really think of me as your son?" My heart was pounding in my chest, what if he said it was a joke?

"Yes...that's okay, right?" Mr. Washington had a tint of red on his typically emotionless face, and was looking away nervously. There's no way he was for real, right? This is a side of him I've never seen, it's almost scary...but if he's serious, then this should be fine...

"Of course...Dad," I said, shaking. Had I taken it too far? Suddenly Mr. Washington looked at me, tears rolling down his face.

"Did I make you that upset?! I'm so sorry, please don't cry, I--"

"No, its just...I never thought it would actually happen," he said happily, hugging me.  He wiped his tears and continued talking.

"A-anyway, since you're awake, uh..." Mr. Washington mumbled into silence, but I knew what he was talking about. I knew there was a reason he was here. I really did want to tell him, as hard as it would be.

"Alex, do you want to tell him or would it be easier if I did it?"

"I think...he should hear it from me."

"Okay, we're ready whenever you are."

I took a deep breath, already a little shaky. I explained everything, the emotions displayed on Mr. Washington's face paining me just as bad as they did when worn by Lafayette. When I finally finished I was ready to cry all over again, my eyes glistening with tears. Much to my surprise, Mr. Washington got up and hugged me warmly. I was too weak to return the embrace, so I just let him hold me. I went to pull away but Mr. Washington hugged me tighter, and that's when I noticed that my shoulder was damp. Was he...crying? The Washington I knew NEVER cried, how was this happening? Did I really mean that much to him?

"I-I'm so sorry...if I had stayed after work, a-and made sure everyone else had l-left, I could have stopped them--"

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault Dad," I was still a little scared to add the last part, but he hugged me impossibly tight and silently cried.

This unreal. It's not like I didn't want any of this to happen, but the fact that it was all because of Thomas...I almost wanted to thank him. Then I remembered the way I kissed back, thinking it was Lafayette. A few tears stained my own face when Dad finally pulled away.

*Mr. Washington's POV*

I had no idea how Alexander could pull this many emotions out of me, emotions I only really showed my wife. I guess it was because Alex is like the son I never had, so I care about him like he's my son. H-he even called me Dad! Martha will love this, she always wanted a kid but she isn't able to have any. Will he call her Mom? Once I get home, I'll inform Martha of the entire event. And as soon as I get to work tomorrow, I'm lecturing Mr. Jefferson, and it'll be up to Alex to decide if he gets fired or not.

"That was incredibly amazing, and I hate to interrupt but I would like to know if you'll both stay for maybe a movie, though Alex and I watched a movie I'm sure Mr. Washington would like to watch something too?"

"I would accept, but Martha's expecting me. Alex, are you okay with coming to work tomorrow?"


"Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to."

"It's fine, I promise."

"And while you're here, assuming you're staying the night, I'm leaving it up to you on whether or not you want Mr. Jefferson to continue his employment."

"You mean you're letting me decide on if Thomas keeps his job?"

"Yes, are you alright with that?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow, bye," Alex walked with me to the door, and went to hug me as I was about to grab my coat. I returned the embrace, and quietly whispered into his ear,

"See you later, son."

Alex looked at me, I couldn't tell if his expression was shock or sadness. Then he hugged me again, and said,

"See you later, Dad."

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