Chapter 9

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*Thomas's POV*

I clung on to Alex, sobbing. Why did I hurt him? What did he ever do? I'm a terrible person, I'm awful! Alex didn't deserve what I put him though. He hugged me, and told me it was okay. How could he be so calm in a situation like this? Look at me, a grown man crying like a toddler. I'm pathetic.

"Thomas. Thomas look at me," Alex said. I looked up at him.

"I forgive you. Let's just forget this all happened and completely start over, okay? I know Aaron will be fine with it because we actually kind of get along, but you're going to have to talk to James. But it's okay, you didn't do anything to scar me for real. It's okay," he said softly, hugging me for a few more seconds before helping me to my feet so we could head to the office.

"Hey Dad, we're back," Alex said, opening the door to the most adorable scene ever.

Mr. Washington, our boss, was sitting on the floor with Ethan, coloring in a kid's coloring book with crayons. I quickly took a picture before he noticed. Wait...'Dad'?

"Huh? Oh, hello boys!" Mr. Washington said, getting up quickly.

"Hi Alex! Hi Mr. I Forgot Your Name!" Ethan giggled, making the rest of us smile.

"His name is Thomas silly," Alexander said, ruffling Ethan's hair.

"Well, since it is almost time for everyone else to come in to work I suppose we shall all dispatch to our designated places?" Mr. Washington said in question form, but we knew he was telling us to go to our offices.

"Uh...what did he say? There were a lot of big words," Ethan whispered in my ear confusedly.

"We gotta go to our offices because everyone else is gonna be here soon," I whispered back, acting all cool to make Ethan laugh.

As Mr. Washington left the office, I turned to leave as well. Then I remembered something Alex said earlier.

"Uh, Alex? Why did you call Mr. Washington...Dad?" I asked.

"'s complicated," he replied, his cheeks dusted with a hint of pink as he got his stuff ready for the day.

"Okay then. See you later. Oh, and I'll talk to James and Aaron," I added as I quietly closed the door.

*Alex's POV*

Well today has been eventful.

Thomas Jefferson, someone I had considered Resident Jerk of the building, cried. And apologized, GENUINELY. And Dad coloring with Ethan? Adorable, I'll have to ask Thomas to send me the picture later so I can show Laf.

"Hey Ethan, what're you coloring?" I inquired, noticing that right after Thomas left he hurriedly went back to his book.

"I'm actually drawing," he said matter-of-factly. What a serious yet adorable little kid.

"Once you finish, will you show me?"

"Sure, but only after I show Mr. Washingmachine," he said, dead serious.

" mean Mr. Washington?" I asked, cracking a smile.

"Nope. He told me to either call him Mr. Washingmachine," Ethan said matter-of-factly. Who knew my boss had a sense of humor?

"Okay, well I'm going to be working on some papers so I'll need you to work quietly okay? And if you need to leave ask me and I'll help you," I said, turning back to my open laptop.

*Ethan's POV*

As soon as I saw Alex turn to his work, I relaxed my arms. Me and Mr. Washingmachine had been talking, and I told him how Alex said he would like to keep taking care of me. I decided instead of coloring, I would draw me, Alex and Laffy as a family, with Mr. Washingmachine!

-half hour later-

I finally finished the drawing! I got up and was about to tug on Alex's sleeve to ask him if I could go to Mr. Washingmachine's office but I could see him typing super seriously, eyes glued to the screen. I thought it would be better not to bother him, so I sneaked past him and out the door.

As soon as I turned the corner I saw Alex's friend Thomas.

"Oh hey Ethan! What're you doing out of the office?" Thomas asked, bending down to my level so I didn't have to look up.

"I wanna show Mr. Washingmachine something but I forgot where his office was. Could I show you instead?" When I mentioned Mr. Washingmachine he began to laugh, not for too long though.

"Sure thing, kiddo! Let's see it!" He said excitedly. I showed him the picture of me, Laffy, Alex and Mr. Washingmachine. He looked impressed.

"Wow, this is really good Ethan!"

"Who're you talking to, Thomas? There's nobody named Ethan that works here," a man said confusedly, coming up from behind Thomas.

"Well, who is this? One of our co-worker's kids?" The man asked, eyeing me.


"I'm Alex's friend, but I'm probably gonna be his kid soon!" I boasted proudfully. "See? I even drew a picture!"

The man looked at my picture, before taking it and holding it high while laughing.

"Alex's son? What a loser, raising an innocent kid to be just like him!" The man laughed loudly.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled, jumping up and trying to climb him in order to get my picture back. "It's special!"

"This is garbage! What are you, two? Little pathetic—"

"Hey, give me the drawing James," Thomas said, grabbing it.

"Here buddy, I think it's amazing. You should go show Mr. Washingmachine," Thomas smiled, handing me my paper and pointing where his office was.

"Thank you!" I shouted behind me as I ran.

*James's POV*

"Dude...what was that?"

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