Chapter 7

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*Ethan's POV*

Mr. Laffy dropped me and Mr. Alex at Mr. Alex's work, waving through the window as he drove off. Mr. Alex grabbed my hand and we walked inside.

"Whoa, is this where you work Mr. Alex?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Yep! And you can call me Alex, formality isn't something I'm very fond of if I know the person well. And you, my friend, are gonna get to know me well. Wanna know why?" Alex asked me.


"Because if I can, I'm going to see if we can adopt you, or at least take care of you!" He whispered in my ear excitedly. Too shocked for words, I hugged him tightly. Having two dads is gonna be so much fun! Even if it's not forever.

*nobody's POV*

Alexander took hold of Ethan's hand once again, walking past all of the cubicles and straight to Mr. Washington's office. What he saw was not what he had expected, and the sight before him made him want to walk straight out of the building. But, he needed this job, especially if he wanted to be able to take care of a kid who had just walked into his life.

"Oh, Alexander, I was just about to call you to ask if you were on your way. Who's the little one?" Mr. Washington inquired, smiling lightly at Ethan.

"It's a long story, but he'll be coming to work with me for a while. Anyway..." Alex trailed off. Mr. Washington knew he was talking about Mr. Jefferson being in the room. Said man was leaning against the wall, looking down and holding his shoulder. Alexander almost felt bad, but then remembered that the man in front of him had hurt him, and had been hurting him for months.

"Does...does he know?" Alex asked, inquiring about Alexander basically deciding whether or not his colleague got to keep his job.

"Yes, him and I had a very long talk this morning. So, what is your decision?" Mr. Washington looked expectantly at Alex.

"I forgive him and he is keeping his job," Alex said without a beat of hesitation. Mr. Jefferson caught his breath, looking at Alex. Ethan, having no idea what had happened, let go of Alex's hand and went to sit on one of Mr. Washington's chairs.

"You're certain of your decision, Alexander?" Mr. Washington asked him, surprised with what he had said.


*Thomas's POV*

I wanted to hug him, but I knew I had no right to even talk to him. Aaron, James and I have all done some bad things but with this, I knew I had taken it too far. Even as he stood in front of me with a determined look on his face, I could see Alexander's hands trembling. I did that to him. I was scared to look him in the eye, knowing I'd probably be met with a look of hatred. Yet, he allowed me to keep my job. I couldn't thank him enough.

"I'm really really sorry for what I did I shouldn't have done that I shouldn't have called you a fag even though I'm bi and I shouldn't have been kicking you before the meeting and I sh-shouldn't have pretended to be your friend Lafayette and I-I shouldn't have kissed you without your permission and I'm sorry for calling you a slut please forgive m-me," I cried all at once, not trying to be loud but my emotions took over my voice.

The young boy Alexander had brought with him looked at us three, then got up and whispered in Alexander's ear. Alexander tentatively listened, then nodded and said it was fine. I didn't know what he meant until the kid walked over to me.

"Did you hurt Alex?" the kid asked, looking up at me.

"...Yes, I did," I said, bracing myself for the kid to start hitting me. What he did instead surprised me. He hugged me.

"That was a bad thing. But, you said sorry and admitted that you did a bad thing, so it's a little okay. But you shouldn't do that ever again, okay?" he smiled at me, then wiped the tears I hadn't even noticed were falling.

"And no crying," he laughed, making me laugh a little too.

"I promise I will never hurt Alexander ever again. I mean it, Alexander. I'm really sorry, we'll leave alone from now on. Can we maybe start over? I know you and Aaron used to be friends, which is why he doesn't really do anything to you, so could you and I maybe get along?" I asked kind of desperately, finally willing myself to look at him. He had lifted up the child, and looked at me with a look of...pity, almost.

"Sure. It may take me a while to try to get used to it, but I think I can try--ow! Ethan, what was that for?" the kid, Ethan, had flicked his finger against Alexander's face harshly.

"You better be his friend! He said sorry, which means he cares about you! And he has really poofy hair. Sir, do you have a kid?" Ethan asked, turning towards me.

"I do actually, a young boy around your age."

"See Alex! He has a kid I can play with! Be his friend so I can be friends with his kid! Please?" Ethan begged, pinching Alex's cheek.

"Okay, okay. Thomas, I didn't even know you had a kid. Does he stay at home or go to daycare?" Alex inquired, looking at me with interest. I never thought I would be friends with Alexander Hamilton, someone I had hated for whatever reason.

"He goes to the daycare right down the street," I told him, feeling happy I could talk to him so casually. Why had I hated him again? I couldn't think of a reason.

"That's still there? I had heard they were taking it down, but that must've been for reconstruction I suppose."

"Well, since you probably shouldn't bring Ethan to work every day, enroll him to the daycare! Then him and Gavin can get to know each other!" I said enthusiastically, looking at both Ethan and Alex.

"Please Alex? Please please please?" Ethan begged Alex, tugging his sleeve. Alex set him down and reassured him that as soon as he could he would enroll him into the same daycare as Gavin.

"Ahem...whenever you guys are done, I still need to talk to you two. Ethan, why don't I take you to Alexander's office and you can draw with some of the stuff he has in there? He has paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils and a few coloring books. Does that sound fun?" Mr. Washington led Ethan to Alexander's office, and as soon as they left I started laughing a little.

"You have crayons? You seem so professional," I said, trying not to laugh so he didn't think I was insulting him.

"It's not my fault, drawing while listening to music is calming!" he said, laughing as well.

Mr. Washington then walked back in and sat down, a more serious expression on his face. I should've known the matter couldn't be dropped as easily as I had hoped.

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