Chapter 17

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"WHERE IS ETHAN!?" Alex was running around the office in panic. Nobody had seen Ethan in hours, and Alex couldn't call Lafayette because Ethan had Alex's phone.

One of the women with a cubicle close to Alex's spoke up. "I believe I saw him leave with someone, I wasn't sure if it was you or not but they looked like a guy from what I could see." Alex frantically turned around, his hands grasping both sides of the woman's chair as he towered above her.

"What was the guy wearing? Hair color? Shoes? Are you sure it was Ethan?"

"I think it was a dark gray jacket with jeans, brown hair, black dress shoes and I am certain it was Ethan because he had just come up to me for a drawing."

Alex thanked the woman and ran to his boss, trying to think of who was wearing what matched the woman's description.

"Dad! I don't know where Ethan is! Who was here today that was wearing a dark gray jacket, jeans, black dress shoes and has brown hair?" Alex was almost unintelligible, but since Mr. Washington has worked with Alex for years he could make out what he said.

"Hm...let's see, Thomas had purple not gray...Aaron wears all black suits..." Mr. Washington checked the security cameras, and gasped in horror.

"What? What is it!?" Alex went to Mr. Washington's side of the desk to see that the cameras had seen who took Ethan.



James woke up, relieved to see Ethan passed out in front of him. He went to go to him, but found that he had been tied to a chair with rope and chain.
He considered yelling for help, since they were in the living room near a window, but remembered that nobody would hear them anyway. And if they did, the woman would get to them before anyone else.

As James was lost in thought he heard Ethan wake up.

"James? Where are we?" Ethan asked, looking around tiredly.

"Shh, I need you to be very quiet okay? Ethan, I am so sorry I dragged you into this. This wasn't supposed to happen, we were going to do something else but my friend did something bad and now we're here. I am very sorry and I'll buy you all the candy you want as soon as I can, but right now I need you to stay quiet okay?" James desperately whispered to Ethan.

Ethan nodded, fidgeting slightly. James worried a bit, knowing that Ethan was young and this calmness would be hard to maintain.

He really hadn't meant for this to happen. This was supposed to be a harmless prank, he was only at the woman's house to pick something up. Then she knocked them out, and apparently tied them to chairs. As James was gently trying to get himself out of the well-tied knots, the woman walked in.

"Oh James, you're so stupid. Like I would pass up on the opportunity to...never mind, you'll know soon enough. In short, I'm using you and the kid to lure some of your friends here, so sit tight, okay?" the woman shone a fake smile, tightly grasping Ethan's shoulders.

"We agreed on you giving me the cash and this being done! Why are you even doing this?" James angrily shook, trying to look somewhat intimidating but secretly frightened. What if she drugged them? Or killed them?

"Shut your mouth before I hurt the kid, got it?" the woman raised her voice and she wrapped her hand around Ethan's neck. Ethan shook, tears in his eyes. The woman let go, pulling out her phone and taking a few pictures. James heard a *ding*, meaning she must have sent the pictures to someone.

But who?

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