Chapter 9 - Something Wrong With Me?

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Janus's P.O.V

Even though both me and my mother are rather distant she will do anything to protect me. And I mean anything. We moved half way across the state just to get away from my father and serveral asshole kids who made me uncomfortable.

"Is he a complusive lier?" These type of quetions make me extremely uncomfortable, especially when they don't ask me straight out, but instead ask someone else as if it was a piece of gossip or juicy news. I hate it.

"Why is that any of your business?" My mother glared at her without blinking as she spoke.

"There may be something wrong with your boy," Me and Logan just watched the scene play out and since he couldn't identify most emtional things.

"Maybe there something wrong with you?" She snarled as if a lioness tring to protect her cub.

"Madam, can you please calm down," The nurse requested. This will just make things worse. Never, and I repeat, never ask my mother to calm down ever.

"Then dont judge people from so little you know about them!" She began to raise her voice a bit at the nurse. She does have a point but she doesn't need to yell at someone to prove her point. It's kind of scary to watch.

"Mum, leave it," I told her without lying to her as she looked at me in awe. This was the first time in years I've spoke to her like that. She seemed shoked, almost betrayed and happy at the same time, it was odd.

"Are you okay Aunt?" Logan interrupted the heartfelt moment as he spoke to my mother.

"Yes Logan, I'm fine," She responded as she turned her head to him, "Well we better get going now,"

I nodded at Logan as my mother went to hug him as he tensed up. He never really liked hugs that much. He must feel horrible right now.

"Bye Lo," I used a nickname from when we got along better. His usually straight face turned to one of sadness from what we've become now. We used to be so close. And now we're like this.

Maybe I can attempt to get along with him better. Just maybe. For old times sake.

Me and my mother both left the hospital quite quickly and once again I opened messeges to see the discord that most likely has broken out.

Roman❤: Heyo

Virgil💜: hey

Roman❤: Whats up doom and gloom

Virgil💜: dont call me that

Virgil💜: and im doing fine if you really care

Roman❤: Weve all been over this Virgil we all care

Roman❤: Well at least I care

Virgil💜: doubt it but whateves

Roman❤: Fine anyway if your wondering im doing horrible

Virgil💜: what happened this time prince perfect

Roman❤: Ha i like that nickname now im gonna use it

Virgil💜: you gonna tell or not

Roman❤: Alright alright

Roman❤: You know my really evil malicious unbearable sibling

Virgil💜: an acronym? i thought that was logans thing

Logan💔: So you can use punctuation?

Virgil💜: no i cant that was a typo

Roman❤: Sarcasm stormcloud

Virgil💜: Just go on with the story

Logan💔: And capital letter? I'm proud.

Roman❤: He ate all my left shoes so now i have to wear my high heels to school and i cannot walk in those properly

Logan💔: Oh 1rd world problems, typical. Well either way, Roman you will have to deal with your shoes. Unless you would like to go to school in your socks?

Deceit💛:Roamn walking into school with socks would be interesting.

Roman❤: ITS ROMAN and no ill just wear my heels

Deceit💛: You gotta be more chill it was a typo.

Roman❤: Be more chill reference! Yay!

Virgil💜: your like a child in a candy store


Logan💔: You're is the correct word.

I turned of my phone to let whatever that was continue as we continued the last 5 minutes of our car journey in a peaceful silence as we get back home.

Finally, we arrived back home and I went back upstairs. I needed to re-fill Deceits water bowl again. He probaly aready finished it by now.

As I finished that I had to do my homework for the day. I need help, I'm not asking my mum because I don't want to bother her. Who is the best at Food Tech in our group. Wait. It's Patton, of course. He's in a higher class than me. Let's hope he can help me.

I began face timing Patton's number as I set up my computer to type as he helped me. Or as I hate to call it, copying ever thing he says to me and hoping it's right.

"Hey," I greeeted him as he answered the phone call. His eyes looked slightly puffy and red, as if he had just been crying.

"Heya Jan," He spoke softly sniffed quietly after he finished speaking.

"Are you not okay?" I asked him with concern weeping from my voice at the phone. I needed help but Patton matters more than some dumb homework.

"I'm fine, what about you?" Patton told me as his voice cracked almost silently as he asked.

"You are okay," I sympatized with him slightly, self  preservation is a kind of dangerous tool to mess with. It could lead to other messes other than the mess you were orginally in.

"No I'm fine," He tried to convice me but failed. No one can fool me at all, I know all the signs of a lier since I avoid them all.


"I'm not lying Jan, why won't you believe me," He tried to lie again the sadness that spilt from his voice was way too obvious for him to deny.

"Please tell me what happened Patton, I wanna help," I pleaded to the sad boy on the other side of the phone.

"Is that a lie?" He asked as tears began  dripping onto his cheeks.

End Of Chapter. 1014 Words.

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