Chapter 37 - A Night In The Life Of Remus Creativiti

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Remus' P.O.V

Tw: Intrusive thoughts, food mention, nightmare, gore, trypophobia (fear of holes), trypanophobia (fear of needles) sexual language?

I'm so happy.

Logan's going to be up and at 'em in 5 days, what a miracle.

"BOYS NO TIME TO SETTLE DOWN, ITS TIME FOR DIN DINS!" My mother wasn't very loud so I only just heard her yelling up the stairs.

What if you ripped out her guts through her mouth and slowly deapthroated them before eating it.

No! It's dinner.

I walked down the stairs and saw a delicious spagetti and sausage meal on the table. My favourite!

"Thanks Mom!" I began slowly slurping up all the noodles as my best friend did the same. That reminds me...I have to ask my mother something...

What if those were chunks of Roman.

I choked as the pieces of sausages I had in my mouth were spat out and covered in my saliva. Disgusting, really.

I looked up and saw my mothers concerned expreession, "Remus, Kiddo, you alright? You spat out your food," My mother pointed towards my plat were I had just spat out her wonderfully made food.

"It's fine just a little too hot," Me and my mother had tells for when things like that happened, it's useful as sometimes I can't even eat it anymore.

"Alright, then just try and eat your spaghetti then," It was always a shame when that happened, I never want to make her upset but it just happens. Even if I was adopted, she still means a lot to me.

You can do more than making her upset.

No, food first then thinking time.

I peered at my mother as she looked at the watch on her hand, "Alright boys after you've finished, straight up to bed, you don't want to be tired in the morning when we go to see the Lo-man," She was right, it was almost 9:15.

I soon finished my meal after Janus went upstairs and said goodnight to me and my mother.

"Goodnight mom," I waved her good bye as she began putting everything away, like the dishes and table cloth.

Now the part of the day I dread the most.


It may be good for me but it's the most exhausting part of my day even though it's the time of the day for rest. Disapointing, really.

I turned the light off and tucked my self into bed, hoping for a perfectly peaceful, dreamless sleep for once.

".-. . -- ..- ...        .-- .        ... . .       -.-- --- ..-"

".-. .-- ..- ...        .-- .         .... . .- .-.     -.-- --- ..-"

".-. .-- ..- ...       .-- .         -.- -. ---  .--      -.-- --- ..-"

".-. .-- ..- ...      .-- . '....' .-. .      - --- ..- -.-. .... .. -. --.     -.-- --- ..-"

".-. .-- ..- ...     .-- .          .- .-. .        -.-- --- ..-"


A mirror stood in front of me.

I couldn't see me.

I couldn't hear me.

I couldn't touch me.

Was I me?

I placed a hand on the mirror.

From the other side drained blood from my mirror. It's screams rang in my ear as it felt my touch.

"G E T     O F F     M E!"

The mirror didn't reflect anything. It only shone. It only bled. It only screamed.

I felt a heaviness in my other hand as I lifted it up into view.

It was sticky.

It was slimey.

It was solid.

It was beating.


I threw it away from me as soon as I saw it.

A heart...

I looked around me.

My mom...









Their chests were ripped open. Their pink lungs inhaling and exhaling. Up and down. Up and down.

An empty place where that must have belong.

Blood pumping out of them.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Limbs scattered everywhere.




My head spun.

The room span.

Their heads splattered and squished as they all lifted up.

All their eyeless faces stared at me.

Their brain shrouded in darkness keeping it's distance. But I could SEE it.

Blood spilt from all of their bodily holes and the ones I HAD MADE.

Knives in his back.

Ropes deep in his skin.

Needles piercing through the eye lids. Sewing them shut with his own nerves.

"REMUS! WAKE UP!" I heard yelling from far away. Yelling for me. They wanted me. They wanted me for this.

I felt myself covered in a cold sweat as I awoke in a rush.

"Remus!" Janus was here. He was alive. He was hugging me. He was okay.

I hugged him back as I cried a little.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Just a nightmare...a little too intense this time," I smiled, reassuring him, even ghough he couldn't see me. I'm glad he's here.

"Alright, it's morning anyway so we should probaly get ready to see Lo," He told me, releasing me from the hug.

I wiped my eyes, "Yeah, and thanks Jan,"

End Of Chapter. 786 Words.

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