Chapter 19 - Detention

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Janus's P.O.V

"You passed out in my doorway and I brought you in here," That's literally all I know sadly. But honestly, I'm curious of what happened to him.

Remus sat up still rather confused at everything. Still the most sane thing he's probaly done, "Oh yeah, I remember..." Then he began licking the tea like a cat. Just when I thought he was almost sane.

"Care to explain..?" Patton was a bit quiet for a second there but Temus just jumped at the fact there was anothef person jn the room and spilt the hot drink.

"Patton!" He quickly put the cup down and slightly squirmed trying to be comfortable right then. Wonder what's up with him, "Just somethings happened and I was exhasted and passed out at my buddy's house!" He seemed panicked.

Patton stood up and said, "Oh, alright, well I best be leaving now," It was getting quite late and he went to go put his shoes on.

"Bye!" He yelled as he opened then closed the door behind himself leaving Remus and I alone.

I turned to look at Remus once again as he was licking the spilt drink up, "What really happened?" What he said earlier was clearly a lie.

"NOTHING!" Remus told me as he dashed out of the house without shoes.


The Next Day

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My annoying alarm clock woke me rudely for school. Unfortunately the weekend was over and I actually had to leave the house today because of school.


"Hey!" Someone was right ip in my face creepily. I could not see much at the moment manly cause I just headbutted them in the face.

"Dude it's just Patton," Virgil was here, "And me Remy, Emile, Logan and Remus here as well,"

"So a party?" I sat up. I don't even care anymore, they'll just keep coming, my pride was already threw out the window first time the barged into my room and woke me up. "If you're gonna stay hee at least get my school clothes from the closet," I pointed to the miniature room attached to mine. It was actually supported to be a bathroom but was too small.

"Patton can you fill up my snake's water bowl please," I pointed the jug next to Deceit's habitat.


"Hey, you had some stylish clothes here," Remus was the one who grabbed my clothes. To be honest I hate people looking at my clothes that I wear.

He brought out a small shirt from about a year ago from before I grew too much. I was a midget so it looks like a crop top now. Kill me now.

He began looking up and down at the shirt as he placed my school clothes on my bed as I put my sling to hold up my arm.

I began putting on my clothes as the whole group began looking in my closet at my clothes from the previous year and laughing thinking that I broughg it recently. But at least they weren't watching me struggle.

"Hey, you need some help Jan?" Patton saw me struggling and offered to help me. Not giving me a choice he helped me anyway. I appreciate it but it's embarrassing to need help doing someyhing that a 4th grader could do.

Finally after like 10 minutes of them giggling at my old clothes and Patton assisting my pathetic-ness. We could finaally go to school.

"Hey, Janus, where are your parents right now?" Emile's curiousity was stiken. Mum must of let them in but she must of gone to work after she let them into the house. And my dad will never be in my life.

I grabbed my school bag and put on my shoes with the help of my friends and then I answered Emile. "Mum went to work,"

"Come on without leaving now all of us will be late for school," Logan cut into the conversation like a knife.

We all eventually got to school without being late due to Logan's warning that he gave us. Thank god one of us is smarter than the rest and actually care about school.

"Boys, you were 3 minutes late," So we were late. Logan must have already known that. Patton and my teacher is really tough on everyone.

"Detetion after school," She told us as we sat down in our seats.

After School

Now we're just sitting, waiting for the teacher to arrive. It's stupid that she's giving us a detetion for being late when she is late to the detetion that she gave us.

"It doesn't look like she's coming," Patton observed after waiting with me for about 10 minutes. "Should we leave?" He looked over to me.

"Well I can't go back home, my mum will be suspious and think I skived the detention," I told him.

"Well then let's go to my house!" Patton suggested. I want to go but shouldn't we wait?

"Let's wait another few minutes and if she doesn't come, we'll go?" Compromise was always the best way to go in these situations. Unlike Logan, compromise almost never occurs.

Patton waited for a second before saying, "Yeah, okay," He seemed almost disapointed as if he wanted me to come to his house in the first place. "Always gotta be cautious don't we?"

Soon after a few minutes, no one came so we both just went to Patton's house instead of waiting any longer.

I picked my seat as a bean bag and chilled for a bit as I robbed one of his books and read it with him.

His soft face was so close to mine. Heat basically raidiated off him like a heater, unlike me. Patton's beautiful brown eyes stared calmly at the words on the page without taking his eyes off it. I wish he'd look at me like that.

"Hey," My wish came true. Our faces were only mearly a centimeter apart as we looke at each other. His stare was confused and joyful. I loved him. I hope he knows that.

How would I be able to tell him that at all? Is it even possible?

I felt a soft warmth on my lips as I closed my eyes.

End Of Chapter. 1045 Words.

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