Chapter 22 - Fire

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Janus's P.O.V

Logan descided to stay at my house for the school day to process what happened as it wouldn't be healthy to put himself around others and be questioned after what had happened to him. I never liked his dad, he was an asshole to my Aunt and Logan, even if me and him didn't get along, no one deserves that ever. It's just cruel.

I walked upto the spot Logan was usual waiting at for the others.

Patton, Emile, Remy and Remus all came together and we all went in straight away.

"Hey, where's Logan?" Patton was the most perspective person when someone wasn't there, he always meant well and wanted them to be well, but in Logan's case, that wouldn't be easy.

"He started puking yesterday so he's staying home so he doesn't give it to you guys them give it back to him," A simple lie, just like old times but a good reason to this time.

"Well babes, at least he's not stressing himself on school work and more on himelf, am I right?" He was, Logan always put his work above his overall health all the time.

We all went about our normal conversations, execpt Patton.

He was just sitting there watching himself twiddle his light blue painted fingernails without saying a word, hundreds of thoughts could be rushing through his mind and I'd probably never hear half of them.

"Is this a bad time to ask but..." This caught my attention, "Do you want to see a movie with me later this week or something?"

A date.

"Definitely, when?"

"Maybe tomorrow, after school if you want?" I began texting my mother to ask if I could go.

Janus: Can I go watch a movie at the cinema with Patton tomorrow after school

Mum: I see why not but today could you take Logan to the library and keep an eye on him because of you know who

"Voldermort!" I jumped at the sudden sound, I didn't know he was watching over my shoulder, never mind reading my messages about this. If he doesn't mention it's fine but if he does I'm fucked.

I looked at him, he seemed to be pondering something, did he see the messages?

"Wonderful!" I now know what it means to be saved by the bell, I love Patton but I would have been screwed.

It was the end of the day and began walking back home, unfortunately, Patton managed to shove too many mashmellows in his mouth while playing chubby bunnies with Emile and inevitably winning the game but spiting them up, earning him a detention after school.

I smell burning.

I turned the corner to where my house was.

Ferocious orange and red flames engulfed the whole house in it's grasp trapping any of them in there: Logan or Aunt Nayomi or my mum and Deceit my snake. Smoke poured into my lungs like a posionous gas, choking me. Was help coming to help them?

Wailing of a fire truck came closer and the flames grew larger and larger like flower blooming from the deepest depths of hell coming to say hello.

"Kid go over there," The person pointed over to a safe distance.

All of it will be gone. Everything from birth to now, gone. Everything I've owned, everything I've experienced, all reduced to mere ashes.

Falling ceiling fueled it's raging tantrum making the child grow older and more twisted by society's words of supposed wisedom.

I took out my phone and scrolled down to his contact and it rang.


I felt I couldn't breathe anymore.

"Jan! Are you okay? I'm still in detention but you can talk to me!"

His voice sounded like silence in nothing but noise, peaceful.

"Jan! Can you speak to me, please!"

Even if it's for a moment, I feel fine.

"Jan! Why won't you talk to me? Speak, please,"

I don't want him to feel bad.


I couldn't find the words to tell him or even speak anymore.

"Jan! Are you alright? Did something happen?"

I could only stare at it.

"I-I'll te-tell you l-lat-later,"

All I needed was to hear his voice.

I ended the call and I would allow my tears to freely flow.

End Of Chapter. 719 words.

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