Chapter 6: The Masters of Spinjitzu

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"Who is this 'Sensei Wu'?", questioned Steven. "You'll see once we get to the Temple.", replies Evelynn. "Does anyone find it a bit odd that they only came after us, and not them?", asked Kamyia. "Nope... actually yes. A bit odd indeed.", said Julianny. "Sensei, we're back." "So that dude with the long, white beard is the Sensei?", asked Steven. "That 'dude' you speak of has name, young man.", Sensei Wu said stoically, "and I'm his brother, Garmadon." "Hmm, you, young lady. Come here, please.", ushered Sensei Garmadon. "Umm, ok?", Julianny hesitantly walked up to the Senseis. "Ninja, come here.", said Sensei Wu.

"Do you think you could be able to defeat the world's strongest ninjas using... The Art of the Silent Fist?", challenged Sensei Garmadon. Julianny's friends knew she loved a good challenge, but a 6-on-1? That's what she called a test... and a challenge. "Hey, Eevee. Hold my book.", "umm, ok." "I accept your challenge, Sensei."As the Ninja took their weapons into hand, they surrounded her. 'It looks like they're going to come at me from all sides.', thought Julianny. "Here we go.", the six Ninja charged at the 13-year-old girl. Just in time, she able to dodge. But, they were faster, stronger, more agile, calmer, and more focused than she was. Lloyd and his friends weren't holding holding back against this girl. 'Damn it! I can't get a read on their fighting style.', she was in real trouble now. Kai's Sword of Fire cut Julianny's right leg. Nya's Sai Blades of Water pierced her left arm. "What the heck are they...?", snapped Harleigh. "Sensei, stop this! They're hurting her!", yelled Daigo.

Julianny was on the verge of giving up, but she refused. "Julianny...", Helena trailed off in her thoughts, 'she reminds me of Deku. She wouldn't quit.' "*Chuckles* You know, guys? There's one thing you don't know about me. I don't even give about giving up." "Ready for round two, kid?", asked Cole. "Hell yeah." "Wow. Quite reckless.", said Sunset. "Remind you of anyone, Rainbow Dash?", questioned Applejack. Rainbow had a large, cocky grin on her face, "yep. *Cheeky laugh*" "That's Dashie, alright.", giggles Fluttershy.

'What's faster than speed? What's stronger than strength? What's more agile than agility? What's calmer than calm? What's more sheer than focus?', this time Julianny saw through the movements of the ninjas. This time, she was ready. 'Agility is faster!' She outmaneuver Jay. 'Speed is stronger!' She outmaneuvered Cole and Lloyd. 'Heh. Calm is the new focus.' Using the Art of the Silent Fist, one by one, she dodged the attacks. "Ok! Ok! You win, we give up.", surrendered Jay. "To be honest with you ninjas, I'd say it was a draw.", smiled Julianny. "Agh! Nngh. Damn it.", Zane saw blood flowing out her arm, leg, and hip. "Julianny!", Sarah helped her friend up, "that was stupid what you did, Juju. But I'm glad you didn't die."

"What should we do?", panicked Rantaro. Julianny looked like she was about say something, "F-Flu-Fluttershy." In an instant, Fluttershy came over to her wounded friend, "you have the ability to talk to animals, right? *Winces in pain*" "Um, yes.", said Fluttershy, "did you know that you also have *wince* healing abilities, too?", Julianny gave Fluttershy a small smile. She put her hands on Julianny's wounded body, a small light shone. "Wow...", marveled Fluttershy. She helped her friend stand up. "Even I impress myself.", she chuckled.

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