Chapter 17: The Sports Festival - Pt. 1

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A week has passed, the day has finally arrived. The 48 friends did not know how they made it this far without being detected by any villains, so they decided to take part in the festival. The entire school was there, including classes 1-A and 1-B. "HEY! What's up everybody?", yelled Present Mic. "Oh. my god!", exclaimed Bianca, "it's the Voice Hero: Present Mic!!" "I am totally amazed with the fact that WE'RE going to be in the festival! This is going to be sweet!", Trunks and his buddy, Goten were getting too excited to even contain themselves.

"Yo, guys!", they turn around to see the two classes that are competing. "Hey, guys," greeted Mina, "so glad you can make it." "We wouldn't miss it for the world.", said Bianca, "thanks to this bean, right here." "Someone's blushing. *Laughs*", teased Ethen, "shut up, Dirtbag. Or I'll blow you to HELL!", blushing and feeling very uneasy, Julianny yelled at her friend. "I like this kid.", said Bakugo, "just so you know, shortcake. Just because we're friends, doesn't mean I'll go easy on you and your buddies." "You took the words out of my mouth." Class 1-A are going toe-to-toe against to most amazing middle schoolers that came from a world no one else knew. "ALRIGHT! Let's get this party started!", announced Present Mic, "let me explain the rules first, each opponent will be going head to head in a fight. The first one to give up or go out of bound is out." Everyone headed to the waiting room, and prepared themselves.

"I wish everyone the best of luck.", said Momo. "Luck? *Scoffs* I don't do luck.", Devin got cocky by the second. "*Whispers* That dumbass is going to get himself killed.", snickered Helena, "I second that, Helena.", Julianny crossed her arms and shook her head playfully. She looked across the room looking at the 12-year-old emo-ish boy, Daigo Kurogami. Daigo and Julianny became good friends over the pass few days, not just good friends, but great friends.

She noticed that he only used his left side, 'he's half and half? What happened to him?!' "First up...", the tournament was about to start, "she's lightning! She's thunder! She's here to give you a shocking fight. Give it up for... Evelynn Hunnewell!!" Evelynn walked up to the rival, waiting for her opponent, "now to introduce her rival! She can read minds, she can moves thing with her mind.She's a psychic. Welcome... Harleigh Strickland! Let's start it up now! Begin!" Sarah and Harleigh hardly knew each others' powers, so this fight was going to be unpredictable. "Let's give the audience a good show.", chuckled Harleigh. "Oh, hell yeah.", responded Evelynn. Regardless them being friends, that was in the past. For now, they are rivals.

"Time's up!", yelled Present Mic, "I give up, Harleigh.", Evelynn exhaled tiredly. "Well, I loved every second fighting with you, not against, but with.", Evelynn admitted her lost, and shook hands with her friend, "good job.", said Evelynn. "Harleigh Strickland... WINS!", the crowd went wild, "let's welcome our next match-up. Not like Todoroki, but he's also half and half. It's Daigo Kurogami." 'I'll show my step-brother I don't need his damned Quirk.', thought Daigo. "She's quite an extraordinary girl. She used four Quirks! Please welcome Julianny Gonzalez."

'Daigo... what happened to you?', Julianny wasn't nervous about her fight, but she knows how he gets when he stares down his opponent...

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