Chapter 13: City of Pokemon

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Finally, they made it to their second destination on the map, Ryme City. It was bustling with people and Pokémon alike. The 48 friends decided to split up and check out the city. "A-Am I dreaming?! *Screams with joy*", Bianca couldn't contain the excitement, "you really outdid yourself, Pikachu." "*Sheepish chuckle* Oh, please.", that comment made Julianny blush a little. "Pika, pika.", a little Pokémon tapped Julianny's shoe, "well what do you know? It's a Pikachu.", "I think he likes you.", said Devin. "*Chuckles* You think so?", the Pokémon hopped on Julianny's shoulder, expecting a ride.

"How do you exactly get your own Pokémon?", asked Harleigh. "Follow me, guys.", ushered Julianny, "pika pi!", squeaked Pikachu They arrived at the Pokémon Center. "You'll find your partner here.", they walked in, and the center was filled with Pokémon. From Fire to Poison types, from Flying to Dragon types. "Hello, may I help you?", a lady saw the 14 children looking around and thought they might need something. "Oh, hi. My friends are looking for Pokémon.", responded Julianny. "Right this way.", the nurse escorted the young middle schoolers to Professor Oak's observatory. "Ah, visitors.", the professor always loved having visitors. "These young children want train their own Pokémon" "Hmm, I think I might have some you may like." "Pikachu.", squeaked Pikachu. Professor Oak showed them to the Pokémon Care Room. Everyone's face just exploded with excitement, "I think I'm gonna cry.", said Stephen. It was heaven. "Go choose your Pokémon, it will be yours forever.", Oak told them with a smile.

Julianny was gonna stay with Pikachu. "I got Eevee! *Squeals with joy*", Bianca picked the Pokémon, Eevee. "Charmander! I pick you!", Steven picked up the fiery Pokémon and hugged it. "Ain't you a cutie?", Helena saw a dog-like Pokémon, Zorua. Everyone picked out their partner; they were going to be together forever. The Pokémon got excited, and they thought it would be cute to chase Julianny and Pikachu, "please someone get their Pokémon under control!" "Pika!", squealed Pikachu. *CRASH* "*Joyous laughter*", her friends thought the scene was funny. "*Whines* Why do these things always happen to me?", Julianny and Pikachu did not think it was funny, or cute, yet they let it slide.

"Anyway, this is very cool.", said Ethen. "I don't want you his adventure to end.", added Michael. Soon after, they met up at the heart of the city. Julianny's friends now have their own Pokémon, the day couldn't get any better than this. First, they met their favorite characters from their favorite T.V. shows, second, they got their own super powers, they also have dragons, and now they have Pokémon partners. No wonder Julianny's friends didn't want to leave this world. They went to a café in Ryme City to get Poké-Puffs and some food.

"This is the dream life right here.", said Bianca, "you said it.", Rorey added. "Pika pi.", "vee, Eevee.", "Charmander.", "bulba, Bulbasaur." They watched their Pokémon eat their Poké-Puffs, and have a good time with each other. Yet, it was another moment no one wanted to pass up.

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