Chapter 21: The "Merciful" Challenge

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While Julianny's friends were talking about the labyrinth, she felt very unsteady, as if someone, or something was haunting her. "Hello, Julianny. *Sinister chuckling*", that eerie voice, she heard it before, "who's there?!", yelled Soarin'. "*Chuckling* It is I, Tirek.", the burly, red, horned satyr revealed himself to the 58 friends, "hmm, are you passing through little children?", he rubbed Rainbow Dash's hair teasingly. "*Clears throat* Do you mind granting us a passage through the maze?", asked Fluttershy quietly.

Tirek just burst into laughter, "come on, guys. We can take this bastard.", chuckled Bakugo. "Oh, no. Not all of you, only her. The girl in the denim jacket.", Julianny was called called out in front of her friends, "all she has to do is beat me in a game of... 'Mercy'. *chuckles*" "But, Julianny has... never won that game before.", said Devin, "and I don't want her getting hurt or even worse killed.", he added. "Is that your ex over there, little girl?", questioned Tirek, "you're a big-ass bastard, you know that right? And, yes he is my ex, but a close friendship lasts longer than a... you know.", Julianny clenched her fists, and looked up at the satyr, "I accept your challenge." "Dev, hold my journal. Take care of it, please.", Devin nodded, and took the book into his hand, "you have my word, Julie." "Wait, Juju.", Sarah grabbed her friend's arm, "you don't have to do this by yourself. We started this mission together, can we finish it together?" Julianny smiled, "we've the done easy part together, let ME do the hard part... finishing it." "As the oldest one here," stated Bianca, "I advise you to let us fight this guy with you. You'll... die. Please don't do this." "I'm sorry, but this is my decision. Let me make a promise to you guys, when I win, I'll back home with you all... in ONE piece.", her friends looked deeply concerned for her, but they respected her decision to go through with this.

"You done with your mushy stuff going on?", questioned Tirek. "Why don't you shut your big face, so we can get this ever with!", now at this time, Julianny was more determined to win, not for herself, but for her friends. Meanwhile, at school. Curien, Ash, Rian, Niko, Romance, Joshua, and Brayden were looking for Julianny and her friends, until Rian found out where they were, using his Quirk that Julianny gave him. Psionic, he sent a mental message to Harleigh, 'is anyone there? You have to stop this right now! Julianny is in big danger!' Harleigh got the message, and started running towards her friend. But, Tirek knew this was going to happen, so he put up a dome-sized barrier that's invisible to the eye. "Damn it!", yelled Harleigh. "Is Julianny going to be okay?", asked Curien, "we can only hope that she'll make it out... alive and healthy.", said Rian. Tirek turned the center of the labyrinth into a stadium, Julianny's friends on one side, the League of Villains on the other. "This game is simple, but let me straighten out the rules. Last one to say 'Mercy' wins. Here's the catch, though. *Chuckles* If you win, I'll leave this place forever.", said Tirek. "And if YOU win?", she asked. "*Chuckles* You do NOT want to know what happens next." *GASPS* The fate of both her worlds were on her shoulders, more weight was added because of her promise she had made.

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