Chapter 18: The Sports Festival - Pt. 2 (Daigo's Past)

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"BEGIN!", yelled Present Mic. Daigo used his ice to try and compromise Julianny's movements, until... "One for All: Full Cowling - Shoot Style... Recipro SMASH!!", she didn't know what was up with her friend, but she wasn't going to become his punching bag. Daigo used his ice again, Julianny responded by hardening her body, and creating shurikens that came out of her hands.

"Daigo Kento Kurogami. Or is it 'Kuro-Julien'? Because that's your family name, right?", even though the two friends were in the middle of a fight, now was the best time unlike any other to help her friend. "I'm not going to lose to you.", Daigo wanted to show his step-brother, Kryptor that he could be the strongest without using his power. Julianny saw that he was freezing on his left side, "why did you become a hero in the first place? Because you gave it your all, Daigo.", Daigo was shook by her statement, but he knew that it was true. "But... what was the drive, the push that made...", "shut up. Just shut up, I'll show that bastard I don't need his power!", Daigo used his ice Quirk to get his opponent, but... "SMASH!" 'The hell is going on with me?!', Julianny tried to get through to her friend the easy way, now, she has to do it the hard way, by fighting it out. "That girl. She's... amazing.", Midoriya never saw anybody like her. "Yep, that's our. Julianny.", Sarah smiled. 'Daigo's fighting style is very precise, I'll give that. But, I NEED time to think.', thought Julianny.

"Stop, Daigo. Just stop. There's no way you're going to win like that.", with her finger throbbing and broken, she mustered all she had to keep her mind off the pain, "there's no need to be a hero if you're going to use HALF of your power. So, stop screwing around, damn it!" This took Daigo into a flashback, '*sobbing* *coughing*, Kryptor! Stop it, he's just a seven-year-old boy.' "Remember where you started, Daigo.", 'big brother, are you ok? Did he hurt you?', Ryota was a baby when this happened. 'Out of my way! If one of you step towards this masterpiece, you'll regret it.' "Remember!", yelled Julianny. 'I don't want to be like him, Mama. *sobs*' "It's yours; your Quirk, not HIS!", Daigo snapped out of his daze, "it only takes a single memory to let you know how far you've come. That's why... there's no way in hell you're going to win without using your right side!", Daigo felt heat in his body, the heat of energy. His hair dye melted, showing both white and black hair, and there he was.

Daigo's siblings and friends almost fell out of their seats, "my big brother is so cool!", Ryota screamed. "So cool. You really are amazing.", said Julianny, "*smiles* don't blame me for what happens next.", Daigo had two elements, one he took after his eldest brother, ice. Another one was he had inside of him, but his whole life, he's ashamed of it, dark energy.

They resumed their clash. It ended as quickly as it started, "Julianny, I owe you are. Thank you." Head-on attacks gradually became finishing moves. The stadium shook. As the dust cleared, they just stood there. "I... loved every second... fighting with you, my friend, Daigo Kurogami.", Julianny wasn't out of bounds, but she was about to give out. "You give up?", he asked, "*laughs* Yeah, I DO give up...", Julianny almost fainted, until her friend helped her. "You won, Daigo." Daigo cared more less about the win, he thought friends and family are way important, "let's get you to Recover Girl." "*Chuckling* Yeah."

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