Chapter 38 of Romantic Convergence

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Monday morning. School.

"Wow I can't believe how Kiara looked like yesterday! I mean she looked awful! I wish we can get her to talk somehow!" Vic said.

"I feel so bad that she's this way, we need to know who can make her to talk somehow! And besides she will soon travel to the village to bury her father soon! And if we don't do something about it I'm afraid she will adapt to a new attitude that we may find it to late to change!" Veronica replied.

"I feel awful for not to have visited her and see how she's doing, the way you guys are talking about her means all is not well!" Carmella said.

"Actually we're going to visit her today, to feed her, because she doesn't want to see her mom at all and we don't want her to starve." Veronica said.

"That would be great! I heard Asians offer porridge and chicken soup when someone is sick! My mom is an international caterer I'll bring some for her!" Carmella said.

"That's great! I hope she eats!" Vic said.

"She will, she won't resist the aroma!" Carmella said as they all laughed.

"Good day day students!" Mr Bryan greeted.

"Oh it's Mr Bryan!" Vic shouted.

"You're back!" Carmella said.

"Uhm...excuse me?...back?...from where? I missing something?" Veronica said.

"Yeah I'm back and it was hectic! I've been missing you guys! Especially Kiara!" Mr Bryan said as he blushed.

"Awww... We miss you too!" Carmella said as she grabbed him to sit.

"Certainly not me o! Me I don't know what you guys are talking about!"Veronica shouted.

"Dummy! He travelled to Abuja for a conference and it lasted for a few weeks! I clearly told you about it! But you were to busy to listen!" Vic said.

"Hey! Never call me a dummy!" Veronica retorted.

"Hey! Hey!! Hey!!! Slow down guys (laughs) I miss these two! The good thing is that I'm back! Okay!" Mr Bryan said.

"Yeah!" The trio said.

"So...let's get down to business! Where's Kiara??" He asked finally

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