Chapter 41 of Romantic Convergence

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"Aww this soup and porridge sure smell nice! I feel like having a taste of it myself!" Ibifuro said

"(Scoffs) why won't you want to eat it? Glutton!" Vic shouted.

"Enough you guys! I'd rather say you guys fit to be a couple!" Carmella said.

"Eww! Gross!" Both Vic and Ibifuro said in disgusts.

"Mr Bryan? I hope you don't mind if you hold on to this food? It feels kinda heavy?"Carmella requested.

"No problem Carmella! I just can't wait to set my eyes on Kiara! I'm feeling a negative aura!" Mr Bryan said.

"Relax sir! She's fine! She may be resting by now!" Ibifuro said.

"Yes sir we saw her with our own eyes! You don't have to worry that much!" Vic said.

"I don't know guys but I'm also with Mr Bryan on this one. I don't think all is well here!" Carmella said.

"Geez Carmella! Stop being paranoid! Everything is fine!" Ibifuro said as they walked to Kiara's wardroom.

They saw Mrs Raphaels sobbing and Vic Identified Mrs Raphaels to Mr Bryan as Kiara's mom.

"That lady crying is Kiara's mom, let's ask her about Kiara!" Vic said.

"Okay" Mr Bryan replied.

"Hello ma'am it's me again! Vic! Kiara's classmate." Vic introduced.

"Oh my son! You just came in time!" Mrs Raphaels said.

"Hello ma'am! I'm Mr Bryan! I'm Kiara's teacher!" Mr Bryan introduced.

"And I'm Carmella, friend of Kiara." Carmella introduced herself.

"Hello Mr Bryan and Carmella! What a bad situation for us to meet!" Mrs Raphaels said.

"What's so wrong mom?" Ibifuro asked.

"It's my baby! She woke up and panicked because she found out that she was in the hospital! And she was on drip and she forcefully removed it from her wrist and she's losing a lot of blood!" Mrs Raphaels said as she cried.

"B-b-blood! Oh my God! Kiara!" Mr Bryan shouted as he lost his grip to the food he was holding as it spilt on the floor.

"Poor Kiara!" Carmella said as she began to sob.

"And I have no idea where she has gone to! And even though I've found her she will go berserk if she sees me so I need someone to help me search for her!" Mrs Raphaels said.

"Don't worry ma'am be rest assured that we'll find her! Just stay here and get something to eat!" Mr Bryan said.

"Don't worry Mom we'll find her just take care of lil' Josh!" Vic said.

"Thank you so much my children! And you too Mr Bryan!" Mrs Raphaels said.

"No problem ma'am, let's go team!"Mr Bryan said as the four of them set out to look for Kiara.

Outside the hospital.

"We have no clue where she has gone to?!" Carmella said.

"You're right Carmie! There's no starting point in this search!" Ibifuro said.

"God damnit!" Vic said in anger.

"Well I have a clue!" Mr Bryan said.

"What is it?!" The trio asked with curiousity.

"She might have gone to her favorite place!" Mr Bryan suggested.

"Yeah that's right!" Vic said.

"But Kiara's got lots of favorite places! How do we know which one?" Ibifuro said.

"We split up. Each of you go to the places that you know it's her favorite place." Mr Bryan said.

"Good idea!" Carmella said.

"Let's go!" Mr Bryan said as they went to different directions.

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