Chapter 45 of Romantic Convergence

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I decided to break the kiss.

"No! This isn't right! Not at all!" I said.

"What do you mean, Kiara? This is what you and I have always wanted! Right?" Bryan said.

"Yes... I mean no! I mean yes!! But I'm with Chidera, this is cheating! I'm cheating on him!"

"No you're not"

"What do you mean I'm not cheating on Chidera?"

"You think that good-for-nothing of a guy is suitable for you? Kiara please shine your eyes! That guy doesn't love you!"

"And how do you know that?! I mean...ever since I've been in this school, you've always competed with Chidera over me! You've never said anything good about him , and always ready to find any little fault in whatever he does! You have no right to speak of him that way! Do you understand?!"

"Just remember what I'm about to say, baby girl, I've known Chidera long enough to predict his your school bro, I'm just looking after you and remember you can't trust nobody."

"I can take care of myself,thank you! Just stop pestering Chidera! He hasn't done anything wrong!"

"Alright! I'll do as you wish but that won't stop me from being always there for you."

Bryan's phone began to ring.

"Pick it up!" I said.

"It's Vic!" Bryan said as he received the call.

"Hey Vic, Mr Bryan speaking!"

"Hey Mr Bryan! I'm done with the search party both with Ibifuro and Carmella we haven't seen her, so I called to ask if you have." Vic said over the phone.

"Yeah she's here with me and luckily I've stopped her bleeding wrists, you guys can stop worrying now."

"Oh! Really? Thank goodness! We're at The Place restaurant having some dinner, maybe you can join us?" Vic said as Bryan looked at me as I was in a bad mood.

"I don't think it's a good time,You guys can go home ahead and rest, I'll take Kiara back to the hospital."

"Okay sir, good night then, see you tomorrow at school!"

"Send my greetings to Ibifuro and Carmella for me!"

"I'll do that sir! And send ours to Kiara!" Vic said as he hanged up the phone.

Bryan went closer to me.

"Now you hear how your friends are worried about you, now what you have to do is be strong for yourself and your mom, I know she may not be the ideal mom but she still put in a lot of efforts to ensure you're fed and satisfied."

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you, I'm just so angry right now that I can't control myself!"

"I understand Kiara,now let's go back now."

"I don't wanna go back there, I don't want to see my mom and besides that, I hate hospitals!"

"But would you go if I'm with you?"

"I think so, being here with you I feel so comforted already."

"That's nice, now let's go back okay?"

"Okay" I said as he held my hand.

As we were about to leave the park, I tripped on the grass.

"Kiara what happened?!" Bryan asked.

"I'm so tired that i can't walk anymore!"

"Oh that's bad!" Bryan said as he squat in front of me.

"Uhm.. what are you doing?" I asked.

"Get on me, let me give you a piggyback ride on the way!"

"I don't wanna stress you Bry, you look so tired!"

"Well at least it's faster with you on my back, so hop on!"

"Okay" I said as I hopped on his back feeling that muscular backside of his and it's so comfy.

"Are you comfortable?" Bryan asked with the most sweetest voice.

"So comfy, you work out pretty good, Bry!" I said as we both chuckled and Bry started to walk.

Along T.O.S Benson avenue.

"Kiara? You still there?" Bryan called me.

"Yes Bryan! I'm here" I answered with a sleepy voice.

"The stars looks so amazing tonight! Don't you think so?" Bryan said as I looked up to the sky to gaze at the shiny stars.

"They're so pretty!"

"But not pretty like you Kiara! Remember you're prettier than anything called pretty to me!"

"You're so cheesy and corny as always, Bry!" I said as Bryan is crossing the street.

A vehicle from nowhere grazed Bryan as we both fell to the ground. The vehicle stopped and the driver came out to see who almost bashed his car.

"What the hell man! Can't you drive with your eyes?!" Bryan said as he helped me to stand.

"You're the one who's not looking!" the driver said.

"Chidera?" I called out.

"Kiara??" Chidera called out.

"What are you doing? You almost killed the both of us!" I shouted.

"I didn't want to kill you, Bryan here didn't have eyes to see clear! And what are you doing in the middle of the night with this ragged man!" Chidera said as he pointed at Bryan who wanted to beat him up.

"Bryan! Don't!" I said to him to stop him from beating Chidera.

"The ragged man you are calling here, is taking care of me while you have never even show your shit face since I've been sick!"

"But I've been busy baby! You know I'm a football player I've got games to win! Games, baby!" Chidera.

"I thought so, I'm never important to you!" I said.

"Come on baby! Enter my car let me make it up to you!" Chidera said as he dragged my arm.

"Leave her alone!" Bryan barked at him

"And who are you to tell me what to do?!, you may be my teacher but not on the road, BRYAN!" Chidera said as Bryan wanted to pin him down but I stopped him.

"Come on baby let's go! Let's leave this pipsqueak and have some fun!" Chidera said.


Chidera felt a sting on his cheeks.

"How dare you?! Never insult Bryan like that again?! Never!" I shouted at Chidera.

"I see so you've chosen this bastard over me! Good luck Kiara!" Chidera said as he entered his vehicle and zoomed off.

"Kiara, are you alright?" Bryan asked.

"I'm fine." I said as I fainted in his arms.

"KIARA!" Bryan shouted.

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