Chapter 44 of Romantic Convergence

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"Kiara!" A voice called out.

I turned to see who was calling me. There he was! The person I've been hoping to see! Bryan!

"Oh my God! Kiara! I've missed you! I thought for a second that I'd lost you!" Bryan said as he gave me a tight hug.

"B-B-Bryan?" I finally said.

"Yes Kiara! Its me! Bryan! I'm back baby! I'm back for you!" Bryan said as he burst into tears and stroked my hair.

"Bryan, oh Bryan! I've missed you Bryan!"

"I've missed you baby girl! I've been looking all over for you in town! Why Kiara?! You're making your mom sick worrying about you!"

"I don't want to see her or talk to her! She killed my father! Bryan I don't want to talk about her! I just want to be with you right now." I said as I hugged him tighter.

"Okay, alright I've heard you! I won't talk about her,okay?" He said as he broke off the hugging and hold her hands.

"Okay, ouch!" I said in pain.

"What is it? Oh my God! Your wrist is bleeding!"

"Its nothing Bryan!"

"Stop saying bullshit Kiara! Good thing I brought some bandages and alcohol. Now give me your hand and don't prove to be stubborn!"

"I'm not proving to be stubborn, I'd happily allow you to treat my hand" I said as I laughed.

"Silly girl! You can still laugh upon these wounds... I'm sure this is your first smile in a week"

"Yeah, and I always smile whenever I see you. You just light up my world and I'm glad you came back"

"Now you're drunk, you are saying things you don't mean...I know you're joking!" Bryan said as we laughed.

"I'm not...really you just put a smile to my face."

"Aww, thanks baby girl and you light up my world too"

"Ouch! Be careful, alcohol stings! This is so painful! Stop! Don't apply it anymore!" I said in pain as Bryan laughed at me.

"You're being childish, Ara!"

"I'm not! This actually stings!"

"Okay, I'm about to do something that will ease the pain."

"What's that?"

"Just close your eyes and dream about an amazing moment that you've always cherished."

I did as what Bryan commanded and closed my eyes and imagined the time Papa taught me how to ride a bike.

"There you go! Have u imagined one?"

"Yes! I see Papa, Papa is teaching me how to ride a bike. He's looking like his handsome self!"

"Is he so handsome?"

"Yes so handsome!"

"More than me?"

"Obviously!" I said as we laughed.

"Kiara? I'm done already!"

"So fast! I didn't even feel a thing! Are you a magician?"

"You can call me that." Bryan said as we laughed.

"Oh man! I'm so hungry!"

"Good thing you are!"

"Yeah good thing I am." I said as we paused to feel the moment as both Bryan and I stared at each other.

"Wow! I'm seeing the most beautiful girl in the world! Right here sitting with me."

"You're just flattering me again, Bryan!"

"This time I'm not! The moonlight is reflecting your pretty eyes! Your eyes are like diamonds!"

"And yours are just like pearls!" I said as Bryan put his hands on my face.

"Your face is so cold and smooth! Your lips are so red!"

"Oh Bryan! What would I do without you?"

"And what am I without you? Kiara" Bryan said as he brought his face closer for a kiss.

"You're my World, Bryan!" I said.

And Bryan gave me a deep kiss.

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