Chapter 46 of Romantic Convergence

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The next day.

(School bell rings). Break.

While Vic, Ibifuro and Carmella settled down at their tables to give their half of the day analysis.

"Mrs Funmi will not kill us o, her essay are so miscellaneous, just imagine 950 words even external exams don't do that! This woman can piss someone off jare!" Ibifuro said.

"Yeah I agree to what you say, I'm having wrist cramps from all the writing! Geez she's such a meanie!" Carmella said.

"Me that I didn't even write up to 500 words I should go and kill myself for a woman who hardly checks our notes? She's a stress on her own." Vic replied.

"Forget her, let's talk about Kiara, Mr Bryan didn't come to school today, I wonder if everything is alright." Carmella spoke.

"Well he gave me a call this morning saying he couldn't make it that Kiara passed out last night due to starvation and exhaustion." Vic explained.

"Geez she's really going through a lot, I feel sorry for her." Carmella said.

"Me too, but why didn't Mr Bryan come back after he has dropped Kiara at the hospital?" Ibifuro asked.

"Well, according to what he said, he said that before Kiara passed out that she was still reluctant to go to the hospital and he had promised her that he will stay with her." Vic explained.

"Aww that's so sweet of him! Kiara is so lucky to have such a wonderful person looking out for her! I feel so jelly now!" Carmella said.

"But she's with Chidera, Carmie! She can't cheat on him with Mr Bryan and besides a teacher dating a student sounds absurd! Chidera is a wonderful guy, I vouch for him than Mr Bryan!" Ibifuro said.

"Oh really? Where's the Chidera when our Kiara started missing school and when she's in the hospital, huh? I'm telling ya that dude doesn't bring a good vibe at all!" Carmella replied back.

"To me nothing's bad about the relationship between Mr Bryan and Kiara, the age difference isn't that too much that we're gonna consider Mr Bryan "too old" for Kiara. Chidera himself also behaves weird, so I'm with Carmie in this one!" Vic said.

"You both have gone mad seriously!" Ibifuro said.

"Two heads are better than one,IB! You're the mad one here!" Vic said.

"Whatever! I place my wager on Chidera!" Ibifuro said.

"Hmm, this is getting interesting! And if you lose the bet, what's at stake?" Carmella asked.

"I'll pay any meal you eat for a month!" Ibifuro said.

"Deal! You know you have to pay for Vic and i?" Carmella said.

"I know" Ibifuro said.

"Its a deal!" Vic said.

Neike who had been looking towards their directions can to throw her tantrums with her gangs.

"Hello trolls! Nice to see your ugly rotting faces!" Neike greeted them at the gang snickered.

"Hello bitch! Nice to see your shapeless body over here with us, how may we help you, witch?!" Carmella said.

"Nothing, little troll, I just found out you baby ducklings are not with their Mama duck, where's that shitface?" Neike said.

'The only shitface we recognise is you, flat ass!" Vic said.

"You better shut your hole, rat!" Jasmine said.

"Or what?" Ibifuro said.

"Or we are gonna teach you some manners!" Alisha said.

"Be calm girls, they're just weak because their Mama duck is sick in the hospital bed,crying for help." Neike said as she imitate a crybaby face.

"Look here, tramp!" Carmella said as she stood. "You may throw insults at us but not at our Kiara! You're nothing like her and never will you be!" Carmella continued.

"Blah, blah, blah, the bastard's talking, yen yen yen!" Neike said as the gang laughed.

"I hope she dies for all I care! Anyways, enjoy your meal!" Neike said as she threw their lunch to the ground and strutted and laughed evily.

"You, bast..!" Carmella said as she wanted to beat her but Vic stopped her.

"Stop it, Carmie! Its no use! Let's focus on Kiara's recovery!" Vic said.

"Yes Carmie, leave that good-for-nothing bitch!" Ibifuro said.

"Next time! I'm gonna rip her hair off!" Carmella said.


Bryan stayed in the ward room where I was put on the hospital bed. Bryan sat beside me holding my hands and kissed them.

"Kiara, I know you're hearing me and j know somewhere in your unconscious state you can hear me, please wake up, I'm here with you like I promised I would, just please open your eyes!" Bryan said as he sobbed.

"I'm sure that she's hearing you, Bryan." Mrs Raphaels said.

"She is?"

"Yes she is, I know my baby so well, she's a fighter."

"She really is a tough person. I've never seen anyone like her before! She just remind me so much of my deceased litter sister, they're so alike in so many ways!"

"I'm sorry for your loss, Bryan. I just hope that she wakes up soon."

"Me too."

Mrs Raphaels looked at Bryan so deeply and saw how much he cared for me. She was awe by his actions and how he risk everything just for me.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"Do you love my daughter?"

"Yes, Mrs Raphaels! I love her from the bottom of my heart, I just can't bear to see her hurt!" Bryan said as he began to tear up.

"I'm so glad that my daughter met you, if you hadn't been here, I wouldn't have found my baby! I'm so grateful to you for that. As for you and my daughter, I give you two my blessings. I want you to always look out for her, be with her, comfort her and most especially bring out her smiles. I've gotten to know she's happier with you and there's no greater joy than to see her happiness! Can you do that for me?"

"Yes ma'am! I promise to make her happy always! I promise you with my life! I love her to the end!"

"That's good to hear, that's what i wanna hear, now I want to go and have something to eat... Do you care for anything?"

"I'll eat when Kiara wakes up... If she eats, I'll eat!"

"Okay dear." Mrs Raphaels said as she leaves the ward.

"I love you Kiara, no matter how you try to push me away, I'll always stay by your side forever!" Bryan said.

Kiara opened her eyes.

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