Chapter 49 of Romantic Convergence

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Three days later. Hospital.

I was in my wardroom, lying in my comfortable bed and Bryan like the supportive person he always was, sleeping like a baby with no worries at all. I began to stroke his hair as he sleeps and then I heard a knock on the door.

"Whzo is it?" I asked.

"It's me, my dear!" the voice spoke and I quickly recognized.

"Dr Julianna, please come in!" I said as she opens the door.

"Hello my dear! How you doing, my love? Oh, I see! Mr Bryan is still here and never left your side. Such a caring man indeed!" Dr Julianna said.

"Well I've been asking him to go home and rest but he's such a stubborn person and even I can't persuade him." I said as I giggled.

"For you to have someone like that, you're such a lucky young lady, Kiara "
"Lucky beyond imagination ma'am!" I said as I put my palms on his face.

"So, my dear, I came to give you a checkup"

"Okay ma'am, I'm ready!" I said as she placed her stethoscope on my chest.

"Heartbeat rate, normal" she said as she checks for my blood pressure.

"Blood pressure, normal" she said and she brought out a tiny flashlight to check my eyes.

"And you look perfectly fine! Te to remove those stitches now!"

"Thank God! I always wanted them off!" I said with excitement.

"I know right! Horrible tiny things! No be you come cause am yourself, see her big head" Dr Julianna said as we laughed causing Bryan to wake up.

"What's going on here?" Bryan asked.

"Nothing much, we just dey here, gisting." Dr Julianna said as we both laughed again While she begins to remove the stitches.

"I see you guys are having fun and Kiara's back to her normal self again, thank God!"Bryan said as he held my hands.

"Good news is that she can go back home now! So you don't have to be sleeping in the hospital anymore and you look terrible, young man. I advise you to have a quick massage and some good sleep and you will look fine and well rested." Dr Julianna advised.

"That's good news! And thank you so much, Doctor and I'll assure you a good healthy me since my love is back on her feet again!" Bryan said.

"OK I'll be going now and I'm done removing the stitches, and promise me you won't come back here looking like a douche bag, young lady!" she said as she put down her glasses giving me a stare.

"I promise it's my last time here and I'll only come here for a checkup!" I replied.

"And I'll make sure of that, you don't need to worry ma'am!" Bryan concluded.

"Good, goodbye now, I have other patients to attend to. Have a nice weekend!" Dr Julianna said as she left the wardroom.

"This woman no go kill me o, she's so funny!" Bryan said as he laughed.

"That's how she is and that's her secret to her patients' quick recovery!"

"That's great, so now we're completely alone and you're good to go! Let me take you to your house. "

"Well I was thinking to spend the weekend at your place, my house is kinda boring and mom always take my little brother out but I don't really fancy that."

"But you have to let your mom know where you are and I've not been to my place for awhile so it's kinda messy."

"Yeah, you're right, I should let her know and I don't mind if your house is messy. We're gonna clean it together!"

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