Chapter 48 of Romantic Convergence

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Hospital. Outside Kiara's Ward room.

Chidera saw the chemistry between Bryan and Kiara as he clenched his fists so tight in fury. Meanwhile Neike saw the anger in him and decides to use this to her advantage.

"I told you, you're not her boyfriend  anymore. You're just a side man for her!" Neike broke the silence.

"Shut up!" Chidera said.

"She never loved you from the start!You were just a thing she can while away time with, just come to me Chidera, I'll never leave you for anything." Neike said

"I can't believe this! After the promises, the 'I love you're she always said but she chose to leave me!" Chidera said as he cried.

"There, there, let it all out, let it all out." Neike said as she hugged Chidera as she wore an evil grin on her face.

"I can't believe you were right!  Kiara always seems to be the perfect girlfriend but she wasn't!" Chidera cried.

"Don't worry, I promise to be with you and be there for you whenever  you need me." Neike said as she patted his back softly.

"What's going on here?!" a voice broke the moment as both Chidera and Neike release themselves.

" I said what the hell is going on here?! And why are you two hugging each other?! Why are you even here?! " Carmella asked.

"Can't you see, bitch?! Chidera and I are having a moment that you just ruined! And he's my boyfriend, what's your shit?!" Neike said.

"Boyfriend?!  What the hell?! Chidera, what is she talking about?!" Carmella asked.

"Yes! She's right! She's my girlfriend and I'm done with Kiara, she's just a cheating bitching!" Chidera said

"How dare you?!" Carmella said as she slapped Chidera on the face.

"Hey douche bag! How dare you slap my boyfriend!" Neike barked.

"I'm gonna do it again if he dares call Kiara a bitch one more time! Look who's calling someone a bitch!" Carmella said.

"You bast-" Neike said as she wants to slap Carmella, Vic decided to intercept the action.

"Okay Ms Makeup truck, your tantrums ends here, you and your bloody boyfriend can get lost now!" Vic said.

"It's not over yet!  I'm coming for you all!" Neike said.

"So you guys too?! After all the times we've been together and you guys supported her in choosing Bryan over me?!" Chidera said with disbelief.

"But sorry man, I also agree in this because you never even treated her right, for once you've never even visited her or even knew what was happening to her and you're here spitting trash here!" Vic said.

"Fine! You're off the team man, I hate you and I don't need you!" Chidera said.

"Good because I don't want to see your betraying ass!" Vic said.

"Let's go babe!" Chidera said as he carries Neike by the hand and left.

"I knew nothing speaks of this fool!" Carmella said.

"It's alright, Carmie, let them be, he's bygone but please let's just keep quiet about this. I don't want Kiara's health to deteriorate." Vic said

"You're right, I don't want that to happen, oh! She's awake already!" Carmella said as she pointed to the window of my wardroom.

"let's go then!" Vic said.

"But wait where's Ibifuro?"

"She's still with Mrs Raphaels so I decided to come out to check on Kiara if she's awake."

"Okay we'll tell them later I'm sure Kiara's hungry, good thing I brought some soup!" Carmella said as she held the lunch box high.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Who could that be?" Kiara asked.

"Your friends, maybe?" Bryan asked.

"Come in!" Kiara said.

"Oh my God! Kiara,  I'm so glad you're finally awake!" Carmella said as she ran and hugged Kiara.

"OOF! Take it easy Carmie! I've got some stitches on me girl!" Kiara said.

"Oh sorry! I didn't know! But you deserve it fool!" Carmella  said as they both laughed.

"Kiara my dude! You look terrible like you've always been, man!" Vic said as he shook Kiara.

"You're more terrible, douche!"Kiara said as she returned the shake.

"Oh I see you've brought something  for me! Hope it's meat I'm so starved as hell, man!" Kiara said.

"It's even better! Chicken soup!" Carmella said.

"Yum! Yum!" Kiara said.

"Excuse me? I've been up all night taking care of this big head and I didn't get some special treatment?" Bryan said as he pouted  with arms folded.

They all laughed.

"Okay we'll both eat it together then!" Kiara offered.

Carmella poured some of the soup into a bowl and gave it to Kiara.

"Now say aah!" Kiara said to Bryan as she fed him

"Wait is that a ring?!" Vic said.

"It is a ring!" Carmella said.

" (gasps) Don't tell me-" Carmella said

"Yes, we're officially dating now!" Kiara and Bryan said in unison.

"No way!" Ibifuro  said as she entered the room with Mrs Raphaels.

The girls screamed in excitement as they hugged each other.

"Hi mami." Kiara said

"My baby! Are you alright?" Mrs Raphaels asked

"Mama I'm sorry for everything  that I said to you, I never meant all those things that I said, mami." Kiara  said apologetically.

"I know baby, and I'll always love you baby and I see Bryan has asked you out and I'm happy for you!" Mrs Raphaels said.

"But you didn't want me to have a boyfriend!" Kiara said.

"But Bryan's different and I've given you permission and you're free!" Mrs Raphaels said.

"Thanks mami!" Kiara said.

"You're welcome dear!" Mrs Raphaels  said.

"Okay let's take a picture! This is an amazing day indeed!" Bryan said.

All of them mushed up to Kiara posing for a picture.

"Say cheese!" Carmella said as she held the selfie stick ready for the shot.

"Cheese!" They all said.

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